Yep, if I buy a console, and with the prices of graphics cards getting too rich for my tastes, I probably will, it'll be the PS4. Microsoft can go **** themselves with their always on Kinect and DRM.
One thing to remember on consoles...the cost of games. Watchdogs on PS4 according to the rain forest retailer is £55. PC version is £30. £25 premium per game and a PC starts to look cheap.
One thing to remember on consoles...the cost of games. Watchdogs on PS4 according to the rain forest retailer is £55. PC version is £30. £25 premium per game and a PC starts to look cheap.

True, but I'll be looking to buy used.
yahoo news had an article today saying ps4 is going to be £350 and xbox is going to be £429.

I think I will get sony this time round as I don't like all the online passes and subscription fees that the xbox 360 had.
The kinect looks so cool but I think the novelty will wear off after a while
I own both a PS3 and xbox 360 and I prefer the 360 as a games console if it wasn't for its incredibly loud disk drive and expensive proprietary hard drive upgrades

But when it is that much more expensive and they have added a load of features which i wont use and no doubt many of which wont be available in the UK anyway

I think I will be going the PS4 route but I will be watercooling and upgrading my PC first :p
Hasn't the RRP for most PS3 games always been £45 or somewhere thereabouts?

And you can get them for £30 tops if you shop around, think it will be the same with this.
Plenty of time for things to change in terms of policies etc

Got a ps3, might get xbox this time or not, as i'm planning computer upgrades to keep up with the times and being able to play games at top settings, which will always be better than consoles.

I am actually torn between what to choose if I do go down a console route. PS4 pricing seems very tempted plus seems to have pulled ahead without the annoyance of this entertainment rubbish & Kinect 2.0.

I am a huge xbox 360 fan and enjoy the system so much but, I might get myself a playstation along with my gaming pc.

Microsoft, I am dissapoint. I wanted to continue my gamerscore/achievement hoarding!
Microsoft are going to HAVE TO CHANGE.
They cant afford not too after the Sony conference, they are going to loose big time if they don't change anything.

Remove the kinect as a requirement
Remove the 24h phone home
Bring back indie self publishing
Remove the DRM nonsense on used games.

That is all they have to do and maybe drop the price and offer a system without the kinect bundled.

Also they killed what a dead rising game is.... :/ not cool, not cool, looks like any generic zombie survival game now.
One thing to remember on consoles...the cost of games. Watchdogs on PS4 according to the rain forest retailer is £55. PC version is £30. £25 premium per game and a PC starts to look cheap.

Placeholder prices at the moment, they will be more expensive then the PC version but still they will probably be closer to £40.
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