Microsoft are going to HAVE TO CHANGE.
They cant afford not too after the Sony conference, they are going to loose big time if they don't change anything.

Remove the kinect as a requirement
Remove the 24h phone home
Bring back indie self publishing
Remove the DRM nonsense on used games.

That is all they have to do and maybe drop the price and offer a system without the kinect bundled.

Also they killed what a dead rising game is.... :/ not cool, not cool, looks like any generic zombie survival game now.

there is no chance in hell I'd buy a console these days.

I'll probably buy one when the next model comes out and they can be had for around £200.

PC only for me. Havent had a console since the snes.

If i was to get a console it probs would be a ps4 due to price and used games due to the stupid markup new ones are. But saying this i feel that the £5 to play multiplayer is a bit of a joke and i also think that the used games pitch ps4 did might not be the whole story. If they are pushing for online stuff i.e the £5 pm for mp then whats stopping that from evolving during the lifespan of the ps4 to something like steam for games where u can download. Which would make the used games pitch ps4 did seem moot. I mean not right away but half way down the line i mean sony have said at e3 there providing the platform but publishers can do drm if they want that limits the used games market.

Fair play tho to ps4 for kicking ms butt tho in most if not all points of conflict between the two companys. But i think were just viewing for now at e3 some inital joy from ps4. Whether that remains later on when its released or in 3 years from now we shall see.

For now, pc = £400 or less for a decent rig using 2nd hand parts (not including mon or os) and steam sales and free mp will always beat consoles regardless of exclusives.

I'll never by a console, THESE DAYS.

The next model won't be out for at least a year. After that time games will have likely gotten better and may actually look/run better than my GTX 680 can manage.

So yeah.

EDIT: It would be stupid of me to buy a console for £300-400 when I have a gaming PC with a 2600k and a GTX 680. At this time the consoles cannot do anything "better" than my PC, however when the price has gone down after a year and developers have gotten used to the hardware and optimised their engines it may be cost effective.
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Be interesting to know what would happen with used consoles nevermind games. If someone got a xbox one can they resell it or not? Ps4 probably would easily but would the xbox?
Be interesting to know what would happen with used consoles nevermind games. If someone got a xbox one can they resell it or not? Ps4 probably would easily but would the xbox?

You will be able to buy an Xbox One second hand, but there is a requirement for you to be jacked into the Micrososft servers at least once a day, to make sure you are who you say you are.
Not sure about getting a new console at the moment. Got a PS3 but VERY rarely ever use it. Initially bought it just for GT5 (which I actually hardly ever played!) and FIFA but otherwise much prefer PC gaming. I like the social aspect of consoles in the living room but after building a reasonably capable HTPC which also looks the dogs danglies in a Moneual 320 case I'd be perfectly happy sacrificing the highest settings and playing things like FIFA on it.
These new console releases just make me glad i have a pc :)

Had the last gen xbox and hardly ever played it, i only got it to play through the newer halo games and tbh i still have not played halo 4.
I dabbled after winning a PS3 in a Virgin game compo in a store but in the end I just used it for bluray movies.

So I flogged it and bought a Sony Bluray player with the proceeds.
You will be able to buy an Xbox One second hand, but there is a requirement for you to be jacked into the Micrososft servers at least once a day, to make sure you are who you say you are.

Is that confirmed or just a guess. I mean they have gone to so much trouble over used games so what about used hardware they would fear lost sales there too i wonder. Wouldnt be surprised if a xbox one was hard locked to one user with a account and it checks all the time when ur online getting checked if ur the original owner and if not then ur locked out. Harsh to the extreme but theres no word about such things but has anyone ever asked that question.

Or am i just being paranoid. Not like id buy one of them or the ps4 anyhow as there too much and i dont game a lot as it is i just play a few pc games like ps2 and torchlight 2 and sto. Plus i like my pc and steam too much. ;)
I think MS have lost this console round before it's started unless they back off on these draconian restrictions, passing the buck to the pubishers doesnt remove the bad taste of it all.
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