in war people die.
it's a fact. you can't have a bloodless war, and unfortunaty, bombs can't tell friend from foe.
innocents will die, but the longer this goes on the worse it will get.
as most of you know i am against this war, i think that it is illegal.
but i thik that this is one of those siutations where you just have to hope that our troop do the best job they can. i am confisdnet that this was not intentional. i can't belive that they would be stupid enough to do it intentionally.
at least the coalition have been careful so far. they seem to be bending over backwards to make sure that inncocents are not hurt, and for that i applaud them.
what makes th9s worse is the iraqis dressing as civilians. by doing that they are drawing great big bullseyes on their own people (not that i think the6 care that much)
lets all just pray that we win soon. the longer this goes on, the worse it will get and the more chances of this happening again.