Premium Bonds - If you post to say how much you've won, please also say how much you have invested.

Are you saying that you won't have a lower chance of winning if you miss a month?

You know what, life's too short to argue like this.

Take your money out, put it back, do whatever you want. You've clearly decided you're going to anyway and won't pay the slightest attention to anything anyone says in here.

I am not the one that spoke about chance. All I said Iam taking it out then reinvesting it.
The chance to win now is a lot less now than 10 years ago.

Its literally jointly the highest chance and the highest rate in 15 years.
March 20233.30%24,000 to 1
February 20233.15%24,000 to 1
January 20233.00%24,000 to 1
October 20222.20%24,000 to 1
June 20221.40%24,500 to 1
December 20201.00%34,500 to 1
December 20171.40%24,500 to 1
May 20171.15%30,000 to 1
June 20161.25%30,000 to 1
August 20141.35%26,000 to 1
August 20131.30%26,000 to 1
October 20091.50%24,000 to 1
April 20091.00%36,000 to 1
December 20081.80%36,000 to 1
November 20082.85%24,000 to 1
May 20083.40%24,000 to 1
Its literally jointly the highest chance and the highest rate in 15 years.
March 20233.30%24,000 to 1
February 20233.15%24,000 to 1
January 20233.00%24,000 to 1
October 20222.20%24,000 to 1
June 20221.40%24,500 to 1
December 20201.00%34,500 to 1
December 20171.40%24,500 to 1
May 20171.15%30,000 to 1
June 20161.25%30,000 to 1
August 20141.35%26,000 to 1
August 20131.30%26,000 to 1
October 20091.50%24,000 to 1
April 20091.00%36,000 to 1
December 20081.80%36,000 to 1
November 20082.85%24,000 to 1
May 20083.40%24,00
Its literally jointly the highest chance and the highest rate in 15 years.
March 20233.30%24,000 to 1
February 20233.15%24,000 to 1
January 20233.00%24,000 to 1
October 20222.20%24,000 to 1
June 20221.40%24,500 to 1
December 20201.00%34,500 to 1
December 20171.40%24,500 to 1
May 20171.15%30,000 to 1
June 20161.25%30,000 to 1
August 20141.35%26,000 to 1
August 20131.30%26,000 to 1
October 20091.50%24,000 to 1
April 20091.00%36,000 to 1
December 20081.80%36,000 to 1
November 20082.85%24,000 to 1
May 20083.40%24,000 to 1

0 to 1
Since the Premium Bond prize rate was cut last year, your odds of winning the top prize with your holdings have gotten a lot longer.

That's because the Premium Bond prize rate was cut from 1.4% to just 1%..
Are the draws just for 12 months?
12 months for many, 11 months for you. In any given year you choose to rebuy for better odds of winning rebuy for exactly the same odds of winning only missing out on one draw.
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Since the Premium Bond prize rate was cut last year, your odds of winning the top prize with your holdings have gotten a lot longer.

That's because the Premium Bond prize rate was cut from 1.4% to just 1%..
The chance to win now is a lot less now than 10 years ago.

Your just either trolling, thick, or struggling to English.

Its gone up since 10 years ago. The rate is now higher and the odds are lower.

If you meant the chances are lower to win the big prize only you should have said that.
Its impossible to guess what is going on in your head where it doesn't match what you type.
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I don't even have any bonds but the last few pages of posts in here have given me the prize of laughs.
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