PREY demo today...

Mark A said:
Whatsthis bit with kids?, i dont think ive got that far yet. Did anyone else think the begining bit was done very well?, the bit where the news report comes on and then all the lights go out and that music comes on. Its more like a movie than a game at the beggining.


There is a boy and a girl, I think something posses the girl and she flies off somewhere and a stake goes right through the boy.
Mark A said:
Whatsthis bit with kids?, i dont think ive got that far yet. Did anyone else think the begining bit was done very well?, the bit where the news report comes on and then all the lights go out and that music comes on. Its more like a movie than a game at the beggining.


Yeah. It was great :)
Energize said:
There is a boy and a girl, I think something posses the girl and she flies off somewhere and a stake goes right through the boy.

:eek: OMG, i havnt reached that bit yet, i was quite shocked that the gramps got wacked, i fully expected the girl to be next.

Just got around to playing this, thought it was excellent

DaveyD said:
they're really going to stop at nothing to try and shock you and entertain you as well!

Have to agree with this too.
Energize said:
There is a boy and a girl, I think something posses the girl and she flies off somewhere and a stake goes right through the boy.

Theres another scene where you find a girl running away and you ask her to stop but she runs into a ventilation type shaft. A few seconds later meat chunks come flying back out! gruesome
Drizmod said:
Theres another scene where you find a girl running away and you ask her to stop but she runs into a ventilation type shaft. A few seconds later meat chunks come flying back out! gruesome

Lol. Finally, a game that doesn't hold back.
Drizmod said:
Theres another scene where you find a girl running away and you ask her to stop but she runs into a ventilation type shaft. A few seconds later meat chunks come flying back out! gruesome
Ive just completed it but i didnt encounter this :confused: . Just seen the kid bit and its preety wierd and quite shocking :eek: .

Energize said:
There is a boy and a girl, I think something posses the girl and she flies off somewhere and a stake goes right through the boy.

Not quite.

Notice then the sprit enter her, her actual body explodes into meaty gibs, leaving her spirit form en which she kills the boy.
Tommy B said:
Are the aliens just trying to kill all humans?

Dunno I cant figure it out.
That large spikey machine that kills your grandfather seems to be doing more than just killing them, dont know what though.

Bit confusing seeing human body parts being sprayed about too.
You're gonna need a decent internet connection to host a reasonable size game I reckon, or a decent dedicated box somewhere.
maybe im just a sicko...i spent about 5 mins stood watching people get mutilated by that machine :p not for enjoyment ofcourse :eek:

i was trying to figure out what it did to them when you heard all the squelching afterwards, after wandering around abit more and following various tubes ive came to the conclusion that they might be using humans as fuel for thier ships and other things since they seem biomechanical. if you want to see the results of the humans from the machine just look for the red large glass tubes scattered around the ship, look close enough and you will notice its slowly pumping mashed up human :eek: i dont see what else they would want to mash us up for at least...we will see eventually :)

awesome demo though, i really cant fault it :D
just played around with the boxes/portals where you can see yourself from another place, you can actually shoot and other stuff through the portal and it will all hit in the appropriate place...including yourself :D
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