PREY demo today...

Tommy B said:
Yes, but there are characters in different phases of gravity at the same time. Especially in multiplayer.

Meh, that should never be a problem for developers. Like I said, there is actually only one "gravity" per se, any other wall walking on those things is just an added "force"... Hence they can rule in that contact with "gravity track 1" will cause normal gravity to be ignored for that player and the track will hold their position... Simple really..
Tommy B said:

It's just a game. It's not as if you're physically upside down.

True, but people do get motion sickness and are affected by these things, especially some parts of Half-Life 2 for instance, it all depends on the person, but it can have quite an affect as it's confusing the brain still, just in a different way.
v-zero said:
What exact model is your monitor? I ask because if that is the exact res then there shouldn't be a bar of any kind...

monitor is a 19" acer widescreen model AL1916W

naj -nah mate, not off any rover forums
v-zero said:
Meh, that should never be a problem for developers. Like I said, there is actually only one "gravity" per se, any other wall walking on those things is just an added "force"... Hence they can rule in that contact with "gravity track 1" will cause normal gravity to be ignored for that player and the track will hold their position... Simple really..

However they do it, it's damn awesome in multiplayer running around shooting people walking up walls and stuff.
DaveyD said:
True, but people do get motion sickness and are affected by these things, especially some parts of Half-Life 2 for instance, it all depends on the person, but it can have quite an affect as it's confusing the brain still, just in a different way.
I hope that never happens to me as i love playing FPS games, my mate gets this when he watches me sometimes.

I think ill have a quick go on the MP and see what the crack is.

v-zero said:
Meh, that should never be a problem for developers. Like I said, there is actually only one "gravity" per se, any other wall walking on those things is just an added "force"... Hence they can rule in that contact with "gravity track 1" will cause normal gravity to be ignored for that player and the track will hold their position... Simple really..

I used to map for UT and you could do similar things with that. Just different zones with different properties:)
little_wilko said:
Players 1 of 1 ?

VaderDSL said:
What does the alternate fire mode on the rocket launcher do?

It spits out some blobby particles that create a shield.

MeatLoaf said:
When the demo ended did it just dump you back at the menu? No end of demo or thanks for playing or anything?

Yep, it did that :)
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