PREY demo today...

The switch moves a small gravity platform, head back down, and run up the gravity platform again all the way to the end, and don't jump off. Then do the spirit thing and switch the switch and you'll be moved acorss on the moving platform.
I went on again last night and cant believe how good the game runs, ive got it at 1280x1024 , aa 8x , textures max ,almost everything max plus vsync turned on as it was tearing and it runs as smooth as silk. I know its an old engine but the gfx do look a lot better than D3. The bit where you are looking out into space when you turn that orange globe thing on is stunning, ill take a screen shot next time i got on. Im running it on a winchester 3200 @2.2ghz and a 6800GT @ 400/1100.

Heres the giant. Apologies for the poor quality screenshot

Just been giving this a blast on multipreyer... Its quite fun, can see it being a good laugh when theres more maps. Quite confusing to play but it all adds to the fun. Can see me getting the game for the multiplayer, haven't enjoyed a good deathmatch game since UT!
Street said:
Just been giving this a blast on multipreyer... Its quite fun, can see it being a good laugh when theres more maps. Quite confusing to play but it all adds to the fun. Can see me getting the game for the multiplayer, haven't enjoyed a good deathmatch game since UT!
Yeah it is a damn fun game in multiplayer. Cant wait to play the full version with, hopefully, a map that utilizes those gravity switching panels you gotta shoot to activate. That would be absolute madness!
Drizmod said:
In that scene in relation to you he is a giant ;)

Or, you've just shrunk to tiny proportions to him ;) it works both ways. I wondered what that small box was in the middle of the room with the small planet in it was, so i shot it.
Did anyone else spend the first 10 mins playing the pacman arcade game? :D

Great demo!! I just hope there are plenty more surprises in the game, and they haven't crammed all the good stuff into the demo.
Oh man multipraying is so much fun. :D Anyone wanna play later? Watch yourself being dissolved by the Acid sprayer :D


BTW, the wall walking is quite fun :p
DaveyD said:
The switch moves a small gravity platform, head back down, and run up the gravity platform again all the way to the end, and don't jump off. Then do the spirit thing and switch the switch and you'll be moved acorss on the moving platform.

Ive done that, but the other sode seems to be a dead end, that circular door wont open? Am i missing something?
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