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20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
I wouldn't - Economics is a social science based on theories, not hard and fast rules and laws like Physics or Chemistry etc. I suspect that most Economists fall into two camps -

1) Those that predicted things correctly
2) Those that predicted things incorrectly

The problem is, you only know after the event.

Do you trust some one random on the forum who has no education on economics to talk about economics or do you trust someone who is an expert? I rather trust the expert.

Both are guesses but one is much more educated, massively more educated. It sure isn't people like koolpc.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
One mans opinion is not enough to base the UKs future on!

These politicians / people who wanted us out of the EU. Don't you think they have done their homework?

Some people need to get real and see that this, in the long term, is going to be the best thing for the UK.

We do not need to be ruled by other countries! We do not need to be ploughing our money into other countries! The UK, Great Britain, used to be 'GREAT'. It has not been 'GREAT' for a very long time!!!!!

Now, we have a chance to be 'GREAT' once more!

Look at the stock market today for evidence, until the day that we are "GREAT" again, and until that day, the eggs are still on your face.
12 Mar 2006
In The Sea Of Leveraged Liquidity
Any particular reason you went back to a week last Thursday? It's a bit like Climate Science picking the appropriate start date to show the change you want, right? So sure, go back and pick a date where Leave pulled ahead in the polls to try and show your point that Leave hasn't depressed the pound. That makes sense. Also, 1.38 is not 1.4.

It is entirely reasonable to suppose that if we had voted Remain, it would currently be around 1.5 or higher which is where it was before Leave started to pull ahead.

To show you with the apparent armageddon response from your post that only last week the exchange rate was very similiar, i'd of thought you could have got that. 1.38/1.4...who cares, nowt in it.

1.5 eh? How long do you think that would have lasted? It was a case of hedgefund managers trying to make quick buck.

Feb 2016, the pound was weaker than it is atm, i didnt hear anyone talking about the end of the world then, did you?
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4 Jul 2012
One mans opinion is not enough to base the UKs future on!

These politicians / people who wanted us out of the EU. Don't you think they have done their homework?

Some people need to get real and see that this, in the long term, is going to be the best thing for the UK.

We do not need to be ruled by other countries! We do not need to be ploughing our money into other countries! The UK, Great Britain, used to be 'GREAT'. It has not been 'GREAT' for a very long time!!!!!

Now, we have a chance to be 'GREAT' once more!

You couldn't sound any more indoctrinated if you tried. You're just repeating BS nonsense you've been told.

That's not what the great in great Britain has ever meant, EVER.

But for the sake of the argument, let's say it does. Britain is never going to be "great" again, we're so far removed from that as country that it's not even worth sperging about.
14 Dec 2010
I am intrigued. How would you define being 'Great' again. What would constitute it in your view?

We have the chance to make bold decisions, do the right thing on the global scale and to do them because as a nation we feel they are right.

Not what we are encouraged to think is the right way.... by the former head of a tax haven state with a surname that sounds like a brand of condom.

Being "Great" will about taking care of our own, and showing others how they can do the same.

We all need to look out for each other now more than ever, sitting around whining in negativity lead us here. We are a nation of moaners that has to become a nation of do'ers to survive.

I think the challenge is something that the entitled needed.

True case and point, 40% of the Remain young vote didn't even bother to vote. Too lazy, let everyone else do it for them. Now they MUST get involved and play a part.
12 Jan 2009
True case and point, 40% of the Remain young vote didn't even bother to vote. Too lazy, let everyone else do it for them. Now they MUST get involved and play a part.

I'm not trying to argue, but I don't undertand this sentence, can you re-word it clearer.
Are you saying that younger people who were in favour of staying in Europe couldn't be bothered to vote and so didnt?
18 Mar 2008
I'm not trying to argue, but I don't undertand this sentence, can you re-word it clearer.
Are you saying that younger people who were in favour of staying in Europe couldn't be bothered to vote and so didnt?

Its always been a problem that the 18-25 vote never really shows up, same with some Labour core recently.
21 Nov 2007
Fleet, Hampshire
We have the chance to make bold decisions, do the right thing on the global scale and to do them because as a nation we feel they are right.

Not what we are encouraged to think is the right way.... by the former head of a tax haven state with a surname that sounds like a brand of condom.

Being "Great" will about taking care of our own, and showing others how they can do the same.

We all need to look out for each other now more than ever, sitting around whining in negativity lead us here. We are a nation of moaners that has to become a nation of do'ers to survive.

I think the challenge is something that the entitled needed.

Some soaring language there which paints an emotive picture. Unfortunately rather like the Leave campaign in general it lacks any specifics. What decisions do we think we are going to have control of that we don't already, and I still fail to understand what will make us Great. Surely if it is so desirable a state we should be able to define it.

PS before anyone says Immigration remember we already have control over non-EU immigration yet this is still higher than EU immigration. Also any country who has access to the European free market (I.e. EU plus Norway and Switzerland) has to accept free movement of people. If we want free trade we will have to accept the same free movement as we have now (and which has been shown to have had a positive effect on our GDP since it has been in place BTW)
5 Dec 2006
It's not even been a day yet. Give it a chance ffs.

Exactly. We haven't even left the EU yet and look what's happening.

Imagine how much **** will hit the fan when we're actually out and businesses are completely unable to do business like they have been!

People are so in denial.
1 Dec 2004
Exactly. We haven't even left the EU yet and look what's happening.

Imagine how much **** will hit the fan when we're actually out and businesses are completely unable to do business like they have been!

People are so in denial.

You mean regulated in some cases? We have plenty of time to get ducks in line

I love it how no one has faith that we can't stand alone and do business
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21 Feb 2010
You mean regulated in some cases? We have plenty of time to get ducks in line

I love it how no one has faith that we can't stand alone and do business

i voted to remain but yeh there will be some impact for business but you have to remember last 40 years we have used EU Regs so businesses can still trade, its when it gets to multi national company's that will be hurt the most.

In fact small business might thrive as they are only competing locally instead of internationally and the second thing this little device your on now wasnt around 40 years ago whats the impact that this will have??

it will all be down to quality of the product and lets face it we're no china in the quality department.
2 Dec 2004
Under The Desk, Wales
You couldn't sound any more indoctrinated if you tried. You're just repeating BS nonsense you've been told.

That's not what the great in great Britain has ever meant, EVER.

But for the sake of the argument, let's say it does. Britain is never going to be "great" again, we're so far removed from that as country that it's not even worth sperging about.

You should be living in a different country then as you dont want the UK to reach the top do you! :rolleyes:
21 Nov 2004
We will be great again. We have some of the best engineers in the world but don't convert it into exports abroad e.g. the car industry.

Most of the things that are going to go up in price are either unnecessary or subsitutional. It's a chance to reevaluate our epicurean tendencies and think about what is important in life. Is it so important that we need to buy a new BMW at x price? Is Nando's chicken on a different plane to other chicken, or have we been sucked in by the clever marketing of international companies?
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