The woman was previously by her own free choice, living for six months with another known sex trafficker, and later working as a "spa attendant" <cough> at Donald Trump's Mar a Lago resort. She'd previously lived on the streets for some time. Whilst working for Epstein she herself went on a grooming mission to Thailand in order to procure a Thai girl Epstein fancied.
Yet you portray her as some innocent who was, quite unbeknown to her, being used? Far from it, even an hour's casual research shows this woman to have been street wise, morally bankrupt and "up for it".
She was a prostitute in all but name already, in my opinion, eyes wide open to all that was happening and happy with her perceived rewards.
She had unfettered opportunities to seek help if she was being coerced against her will, instead, when in Thailand trying to procure another bint for Epstein, she marries a martial arts instructor shortly after meeting him, and starts another chapter of her life.
Only later does she smell the opportunity to make more money on the back of her acquaintances, is paid off, signing a none disclosure agreement, that she then renagdes upon.
Only the most naieve or agendered could find sympathy for her.
You said "You need to stop seeing the world as so black and white and learn some nuance." I chortled...