Prince Andrew not served papers as they were handed to his police security.

So Maxwell has given up her stance of protecting the 8 John Does and the court will be deciding if she should name and shame.

Do you think this is her way of protecting herself, or getting a more lenient sentence, or even revenge for her suicided lover?
It's looking likely that Andrew and Harry are going to be stripped o their Counsellors of State status as palace officials mull over damage limitation measures. That would mean that instead of Harry and Andrew having access to Privy Council meetings and being called upon to sign significant documents and take significant decisions should the Queen become incapacitated, that honour would probably pass down to Princess Anne and Camilla. The repercussions of these twos shenanigans continue. The Queen is also not awarding them a Queen's Platinum Jubilee medal in what can only be seen as a snub to their behaviour. Ma'am is not `appy...
Interesting documentary tonight

9:00 pm - 10:00 pm | Tuesday 18th January 2022
Ghislaine, Prince Andrew & the Paedophile
ITV London
As Ghislaine Maxwell awaits sentencing in a New York prison, Ranvir Singh unravels the story of how an entitled daughter of a billionaire sank into shame and disgrace through her friendship with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Ranvir also explores how Prince Andrew, the Queen's second son, is now embroiled in the scandal as he faces his own possible civil court case brought by Virginia Giuffre. Ranvir explores Maxwell and Epstein's extensive network of rich, powerful and famous friends, speaking with some of those in their 'Little Black Book' of contacts and examining evidence from the trial, including flight logs from Epstein's private planes listing famous passengers
Interesting documentary tonight

9:00 pm - 10:00 pm | Tuesday 18th January 2022
Ghislaine, Prince Andrew & the Paedophile
ITV London
As Ghislaine Maxwell awaits sentencing in a New York prison, Ranvir Singh unravels the story of how an entitled daughter of a billionaire sank into shame and disgrace through her friendship with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Ranvir also explores how Prince Andrew, the Queen's second son, is now embroiled in the scandal as he faces his own possible civil court case brought by Virginia Giuffre. Ranvir explores Maxwell and Epstein's extensive network of rich, powerful and famous friends, speaking with some of those in their 'Little Black Book' of contacts and examining evidence from the trial, including flight logs from Epstein's private planes listing famous passengers
I think the way the title is worded is quite funny and deliberate, putting "the Paedophile" right after "Prince Andrew", neglecting the apersand :D
Interesting documentary tonight
maybe - presenter Ranvir Singh apparently just revealed data about an assault age 12 .... not sure itv made any good documentaries post world in action.
radio 4 today were ridiculing documentary, as some palace insider is talking about Andrews childhood teddy-bears
- these aren't good credentials.
I would go with "Court Nonce", you know like they used to have a Court Jester, or Court Dwarf if you are familiar with Crusader Kings.

While I abhor Andrew and would like to see him come right unstuck in the New York court case, unless I’ve missed something the youngest person that he’s alleged to have had sexual relations with was 17.
While that could certainly be described as morally wrong for a man of his age at that time, it is far removed from making him a nonce.
Court Ephebophile doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but it’s closer to the truth than Court Nonce.
According to the Urban dictionary, a nonce is U.K. slang for a paedophile.
Paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children, girls up to age 10 or 11 and boys up to 11 or 12.
I reiterate, I have no time for Andrew, but 17, while dangerous ground, is quite a bit older than 11 or 12.
It's looking likely that Andrew and Harry are going to be stripped o their Counsellors of State status as palace officials mull over damage limitation measures. That would mean that instead of Harry and Andrew having access to Privy Council meetings and being called upon to sign significant documents and take significant decisions should the Queen become incapacitated, that honour would probably pass down to Princess Anne and Camilla. The repercussions of these twos shenanigans continue. The Queen is also not awarding them a Queen's Platinum Jubilee medal in what can only be seen as a snub to their behaviour. Ma'am is not `appy...

Have to say its a bit harsh on Harry getting associated with his uncle at this time. All he did was marry and bugger off.

While I abhor Andrew and would like to see him come right unstuck in the New York court case, unless I’ve missed something the youngest person that he’s alleged to have had sexual relations with was 17.
While that could certainly be described as morally wrong for a man of his age at that time, it is far removed from making him a nonce.
Court Ephebophile doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but it’s closer to the truth than Court Nonce.
According to the Urban dictionary, a nonce is U.K. slang for a paedophile.
Paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children, girls up to age 10 or 11 and boys up to 11 or 12.
I reiterate, I have no time for Andrew, but 17, while dangerous ground, is quite a bit older than 11 or 12.

Paedophile gets thrown around far too much now. If someone has some form of sex with an under 16 they get labelled a paedophile which is just wrong. Its just become the norm to use, I might of even been guilty of using it myself at times. From what I've seen/read I don't think Epstein was having sex with prepubescent girls.
It's looking likely that Andrew and Harry are going to be stripped o their Counsellors of State status as palace officials mull over damage limitation measures. That would mean that instead of Harry and Andrew having access to Privy Council meetings and being called upon to sign significant documents and take significant decisions should the Queen become incapacitated, that honour would probably pass down to Princess Anne and Camilla. The repercussions of these twos shenanigans continue. The Queen is also not awarding them a Queen's Platinum Jubilee medal in what can only be seen as a snub to their behaviour. Ma'am is not `appy...

I've never been against the royal family, and they are a great tourist attraction, but surely they have never been less relevant than they are now.

The world is moving forward to the point they are starting to look very silly.

I mean come on, wearing a crown full of diamonds belongs in Disney cartoons.
I've never been against the royal family, and they are a great tourist attraction, but surely they have never been less relevant than they are now.

The world is moving forward to the point they are starting to look very silly.

I mean come on, wearing a crown full of diamonds belongs in Disney cartoons.

I was a monarchist in my younger years, have moved firmly in to the republican camp as I've got older. Out of respect for the Queen and the great job she has done, she should see out her reign, after that abolish it. The tourist attraction excuse is a red herring.
I predict the platinum jubilee will be the last big "celebration" of the Royal Family. The Queen's funeral and crowning of Charles are not really celebrations, just sort of necessary ceremonies. I can't imagine that there will be anything after that which will attract the support of the public. It'll be years until another relevant royal wedding happens that will even remotely capture the public's attention. The media will need to fill in the gap with scandal and sleaze and I wonder whether in the modern world the Royal Family would be able to survive it. I doubt that Charles has got the sway with the family to keep them in line. We are led to believe that everyone in the family is terrified of the Queen, but I doubt he has the same level of respect.
And some people collect watches... Horses for courses I guess.

I've got to admit that part of the documentary didn't raise an eyebrow, people collect stuff, even Princes.
Perhaps a bit over the top if they weren't put back properly but lots of collectors are anal about their collections.
The media seemed to want to make a bigger point about it than his alleged noncery.
The media are doing what the media do.

I couldn't care less about PA however, the media have now activated the smear campaign now that the civil case is going ahead... Why has none of these things cropped up until almost exactly the time that his appeals to prevent the case were exhausted.

As you can see from some posters just on here, his bear collection has been branded weird making him out to be "weird" and so, by extension, what other "weird" stuff is he hiding ergo it weakens any case in the minds of jurors and others as they will have this subconsciously in their mind during decisions.
The media are doing what the media do.

I couldn't care less about PA however, the media have now activated the smear campaign now that the civil case is going ahead... Why has none of these things cropped up until almost exactly the time that his appeals to prevent the case were exhausted.

As you can see from some posters just on here, his bear collection has been branded weird making him out to be "weird" and so, by extension, what other "weird" stuff is he hiding ergo it weakens any case in the minds of jurors and others as they will have this subconsciously in their mind during decisions.

While your post makes perfect sense and would be difficult to dispute, I don’t find that someone collects Teddy bears weird in the slightest, but it’s the allegation that they all had to be in the correct position on the bed that blew my mind.
It may be complete and utter B.S., but that’s what will stick in people’s minds, and the media know it.
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