Project - 37a (Wendyhouse)

Here's the pictorial update I was hoping to get in before things change too much. It's a bit of a state at the moment and is missing the TV (sold) aswell as the sofa being in the wrong place (also leaving the cave).

Fibre, 3x50m LC-LC patches I got ridiculous cheap which kicked off this want for fibre home network

Conduit ready for fibre

More storage and my VSR10 on top (for those who know what that is)

Close up of the current switching

UAP-AC-LR just been provisioned (I already have one, this is mums but why not?)

Current rack, the RB2011 on top is my "practise" router and the bottom 2 switches are just place holders

Home made diffuser for when I start streaming again

New carpet tiles ready to go down as the room is a bit echoey

So the to do list is as follows;
Take apart everything and paint the cave again.
New carpet tiles
Put the cave back together as per new plans
Run fibre to the attic
New CCTV cams
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Here's the pictorial update I was hoping to get in before things change too much. It's a bit of a state at the moment and is missing the TV (sold) aswell as the sofa being in the wrong place (also leaving the cave).

So the to do list is as follows;
Take apart everything and paint the cave again.
New carpet tiles
Put the cave back together as per new plans
Run fibre to the attic
New CCTV cams
not finished yet?? :p
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Small update;
Have been through entire thread and changed all links to the new image hosting provider.
Have put a draw cord through the small conduit, this is 30m long and I intend to pull the fibre in to this before pulling the entire conduit through my larger underground conduit so the fibre isn't exposed at any point externally.

(Plays with his camera)
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Not so much a cave update but what goes inside it got a slight upgrade and refresh last night. I had some RAM in a different machine that I thought would both look good and give a small improvement to so have installed that and re-seated my CPU cooler as I've been getting random power offs.

Pulled apart


New RAM installed

Ready to go back in

Tight in there

All back in

Oddly for a PC job it booted first time and the RAM worked with no issues. First boot I got weird screen lines and second boot the screen was fine but it decided to drop power just after it got to the desktop. I'm going to wind back the overclock a touch incase it's that, re-seat the front panel connectors and pray it's not the Seasonic PSU.
Friday night in anticipation of tomorrows "hard" work;

Kept safe overnight here

Other end at the house waiting to go up to the attic

I'll have fun unpicking that lot tomorrow
Managed to finish off the cable pulls today. Threading into the attic went so well this time (normally it's an hour long battle). Launching my own new product FTTMC (Fibre-to-the-man-cave¬

Hoping a lick of paint will get started this week, giving about 2 weeks total to get it done (as it's not a priority) and then carpet tiles down.
i showed this thread to my wife... she just ask me how much it would cost to build it. I said "a lot". End of conversation :/
I'm so jealous :P
Now I have 2 walls finished I've had to dismantle everything and move it over to the other side of the room.

Rack is now gone, all that's left is the 3 fibres and the cat5 for the Unifi AP.

Gaming PC is in there somewhere


I also have a pile of ikea stuff in the shed side waiting to go back in to here. Not expecting much to get done this week due to the school holidays but you never know. Once painted the flooring will go down and then the new furniture comes in and the room will start to get back to normal.

EVERYTHING needs a flipping good going over to get it dust free as well. Also thinking about some kind of acoustic barrier between PC and server rack.
Bank holiday weekend update;

Final wall has been painted and all has now been caulked.

Going to try and get the flooring done this week so I can get the rack back into it's rightful place and re-cabled up as the kids are going mad not having Plex.

Also there is a fairly big change coming to my main gaming setup, could say there is something good on the Horyzen......
Oh yes, a lovely ryzen build, welcome to the club. Sticking with the GTX 980TI or thinking about Vega?

To start with the 980Ti will go in and possibly overclock as I haven't clocked it before.

Plan is to drop in a 1080Ti around Christmas though unless Vega outperforms it (although I haven't checked out cards yet).
Beers and carpeting night! Unfortunately beers have taken over but half the cave is carpeted now.

Cave has been left in this mess until Sunday PM when I get a chance to do more
Sunday afternoon I finished the carpeting and have managed to get most of the furniture to where I want it to be. Also took some time on Saturday and started building the new machine up;

This RAM. Absolutely brilliant for the Ryzen platform. 8Pack Dark Pro 3200Mhz

Reused the Noctua DH15 and 980Ti (until funding allows a 1080Ti)

Done ready for install

Waiting for some time now to finish the setting up in the cave.
Cable up the new PC
Install Windows and various applications back on.
Weekend tidy up. I'm now back into the cave! Had a few cheeky PUBG games last night as well. Really getting much better frames than I was before the tear down and rebuild for some reason.

Rug is going today, boxes going into attic shortly and the old case is going into the street for a toerag to take.

My corner

Server corner

My tidiest cables yet (had to as they're on display)

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