Project Android

Cheers. :)

I got quite a bit of work done this Sunday, and for once the work is quite visible which made it all the more fun. Ive basically started the main assembly of the shell. The head has been attached to the body, and im pleased with the way the ball and socket joints work. Im still not sure with the length of the neck though. When I first assembled her, she looked like one of those African tribes women who stretch their necks. So I shortened the alu tube a couple of times, and IMO its close, but maybe still a bit too long. It should be easier to tell once I have more cables etc in the neck anyway.


By using the ball and socket joints, I can reposition the head pretty much where ever I want, which will be usefull for the webcamera eyes. As you can see below, the range of movement in the neck is pretty decent.




Ive now also attached the chestplate to the rest of the body using a hinge. To try and hide the hinge a bit, ive covered it with epoxy putty and sanded it down a bit. It doesn't look too good at the moment, but once ive finished adding more layers and sanding it down, it should in theory blend perfectly in with the rest of the body.
Hehe, well lets just say that I probably could have bought a Soldam Windy case for the money I have spent. However most of it has gone on various tools such as a dremel, riveter, steel snips etc.
Dr Jones said:
That's freaky!
Feels like she is looking at me and saying... "Hello Dr Jones..." :eek:

*Runs far far away*

Hehe, yeah I thought i'd get a frreaky staring shot in. Just wait until she has the speaker mounted behind her mouth, and the artificial neural network software installed.. now that will be freaky. :eek: ;)
messiah khan said:
Hehe, yeah I thought i'd get a frreaky staring shot in. Just wait until she has the speaker mounted behind her mouth, and the artificial neural network software installed.. now that will be freaky. :eek: ;)

You'll have to record a vid of that and load it up...

Keep up the good work!
I still need to finish off the PSU mounting bracket. At the moment, the PSU fits snugly, but would fall out of you turned the whole thing upside down. I also need to add a few little bits to the chest plate, such as a magnetic clasp. The head panel also needs attaching with a hinge.(I can see that one being tough, as the hinge needs to be invisible from the outside, and its a hard shape to work with.) Then some more work on the neck, leading up to the conrol panel in the skull. To do these last bits, I still need to get hold of more cables. If anyone has, and is willing to donate or sell me the following, I would be very appreciative;

VGA extension cable (Male-female) x1
Network extension cable (Plug-socket) x2
PS2 Extension cable (male-female) x2
Small usb hub x1
Old webcam (The cheaper the better) x1(or x2 if identical)
Small ball and socket joints (The smaller the better) x as many as I can get my hands on.

Cheers. :)

Once Ive done the stuff listed above, its then on to the electronics, then the paint/polishing, building it all back together and finally installing the software. Hmm, sounds so easy when I say it like that.
Sure ive got an old webcam lying about, could never find the drivers for it so may have throwen it out. Will have a look for you though.
Cheers begbo. :)

Mad, im not mad! *Twitches* :D I was saying to Yewen last night, that it sometimes feels like ive bitten off more than I can chew. Im however really enjoying it and im learning a lot as I go along. Its also an excuse to get away from the computer, and doing something else(Even if it is computer related)
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