Project Android

I reckon a bit of exposure in custompc wont hurt :D
you might even win some awards with this thing, its a nice original mod and I havent seen any really good ones for ages
I have been toying with the idea of entering it custom pc or similar, would be great if I could win something for it. :D

So what have I been doing today? Well, I took one perfectly decent motherboard tray and drew some lines on it;


Then put it in photoshop and coloured bits in


Then spend 7 hours attacking it with a selection of power tools, files and sandpaper!

And hey presto, I have a motherboard tray. Hang on a second.. I started with a motherboard tray! :confused: But this one looks better(Not that your going to be able to see it behind the motherboard, nevermind) and it gives a bigger clearance for the cables in the spine. I still don't think there is quite enough clearance for the PS2 cables, so I might have to raise the mobo tray as high as possible. Depending on how heigh I have to move it up, I might end up needing to use PCI riser cards for the newtwork cards.

:eek: Wow that is the best mobo tray i have ever seen, nice work :) . Should take a little bit of weight off it as well which is always a good thing on a big case.

Not sure yet tbh. Suggestions welcome. One idea that ive had is to call her 'Project 2501', ie the self aware AI known as the puppet master in Ghost in the Shell.
messiah khan said:
Not sure yet tbh. Suggestions welcome. One idea that ive had is to call her 'Project 2501', ie the self aware AI known as the puppet master in Ghost in the Shell.


Its got to be something like maureen!
That looks simply cracking m8. Your motherboard tray looks fantastic, if the finish on that is anything to go by the whole project will look superb! :) :D
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Brilliant looking motherboard tray, I wants one now! *huffs*

Definitely enter this in a few competitions, I can see you winning a few quite easily with the quality of this case. Those eyes are really freaky though, if that was in my bedroom I'd make it face the wall before going asleep. lol :p
Tony Soprano said:
Brilliant looking motherboard tray, I wants one now! *huffs*

Definitely enter this in a few competitions, I can see you winning a few quite easily with the quality of this case. Those eyes are really freaky though, if that was in my bedroom I'd make it face the wall before going asleep. lol :p
lol... yeh but i jjust leave it

if you dont find a name, why dont you call it s*x buddy
eXSBass said:

Its got to be something like Pauline! ;)

Great work though :)


Pauline is usually a name given to parents expecting a baby boy (paul) but got shocked after birth.

Its got to be something like Marion.

ChoÞÞer said:
lol... yeh but i jjust leave it

if you dont find a name, why dont you call it s*x buddy
SiX Buddy :D
Pete_m said:
nice.. why spend so long cutting that out though?

You asking why it took so long or why do it in the first place? The reason it took so long is because the Aluminium is thick and takes quite a lot of work with the jigsaw to cut it. Also the drill battery was running down, so it kept jamming. Most of the time though was spent filing and sanding it down to a nice brushed finish. The reason why I have cut it out in the first place is two fold; First is to make it look better. The square motherbaord tray just didn't look right IMO, it didn't look mechanical enough. I know it probably won't be seen once im finished, but I want every part to be perfect, because it will annoy me if its not. The second reason for cutting it out was to give a slightly bigger clearance behind the motherboard for the cables in the spine. Unfortunately they stick out too far, making it very hard to fit the motherboardtray in place.
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