Project Android

Ribs anyone? This is the thing ive been playing about with recently, and im quite pleased with how its come out. Before anyone says, yes I know its not anatomically correct, and that only the bottom few ribs are not connected to the breast plate. However, im considering actually making a breast plate to attatch in the middle. Hope you all like it; :)



InvaderGIR said:
Sometime after today then ;)

It's looking really cool, I've seen some strange and wonderful mods/creations for cases but yours is really the best I've seen...if I had a hat on I would take it off to you.


Cheers. :)

easyrider said:
what spec of pc?

It would be a shame to stick pap components in it.
Pap specs it is im afraid. As said im using a 90W PSU. The purpose of this computer is as a download server, so all it need to run is Utorrent. The specs at the moment are Pentium3 733mhz, 512Mb ram, 27Gb harddrive(Likely to upgraded as its really loud) Onboard graphics, 100Mbps NIC, 1Gbps Nic and onboard sound. One of the reasons i want to keep it a low a spec as possible, is so that I can keep it 90% passive and therefore quieter. Due to it being a download server it will be on 24/7 so quietness is vital.

Herminator said:
The ribs are interesting, they may look better as just one piece, I guess you did it like that for ease of making them. The chest plate would be good if it was interesting enough, something like a VFD (preferably red), especially if you can get one to display verticly. Then it could scroll down with the "vital stats"

Im deffinately considering the breast plate. Quite cool idea about the vdf, although I would like to keep most of that sort of stuff in the control panel in the head. A white cold cathode that turns on when you open the chest would be cool, although im not sure the PSU is up for the job.

begbo said:
Yeah it would be, but think its just to show off the case and only using a 90watt power supply so can't go too wild.

Yeah, its mainly for the fun of making the case. My main rig is hopefully going over to Gray Mole today to have a Phase unit built into it. Now that is going to be a beast. :D

Stelly said:
I can imagine messiah khan going ITS ALIVE when this is finished... are you going to put bolts in the neck?


No bolts im afraid, but I will most likely be shouting "Its Alive!!!" when I switch the thing on for the first time. Either that or play the music from the start of 'Ghost in the Shell'. ;)

Nix said:
If he's got a Q-Tec in there, he'll have the lightning too

Liking the ribs Khan, a breast plate would be a good addition

Nope its not a Q-tech, its a Aztec:/
No coolermaster parts as of yet. Do you thing 1 Coolermaster IDE cable, 1 Coolermaster cathode and 1 coolermaster fan would qualify me? :D Any links to this competiton?
Doubt it will be ready in time then. Once its done, i'd love to enter it into competitions.

Edit; OMG ive got over 3000 posts. I really must stop spamming while im at work, and actually get some work done, lol.
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Nix said:
Khan, isn't it going to be a bit difficult to fit the motherboard with those ribs in the way?

I can imagine the heatsink and fan being where the heart should be :p

Please note the nuts and bolts where the rib meets the body. They are all removable. ;) The HSF is actually closer to where the hinge for the chest plate is. Im still toying with the idea of trying to squeeze the smallest waterloop in the world into the thing. If I did, I would try and place the pump where the heart should be.
Yeah, Id tried that loads of times with several addresses, just never got the confirmation email. Finally got it to work with my works account now though.
No more work been done it im afraid. Theres not much I can do this weekend, as I need parts and materials to any more, and im skint now until payday. :(
I got paid today! :D That means i'll be ordering more parts and materials later today, so I can carry on with the build.

@VeNT.. Yeah, im tempted as well, but I have no idea how to do it. I could probably do the whole motor part, but how do I build a controller, get it linked up to the pc and then get software to run it?

@FENIXfatboy.. Cheers :D

@Immortal.. Cheers :D

@jcs1987.. Cheers, and yes it potentially might be for sale after ive lived with it for a while. I mean I will have to make space for the next mod anyway won't I. ;)
M!!cook said:
what about those *Spy Cam* Wannabe's.
I have a wireless cam that can be powerd by a 9v battery or mains (rig them to PSU) they have a mic in there and an Infa Red motion sensor with a 90degree motor with it! i can mount mine in a ping pong ball so all would be sweet! i got mine off E**Y @ £21 brand new!!!!

I Might have to have a look at those.

VeNT said:
btw, is that pic in the op from a Bjork music vid?
Yup. Its from the 'all is full of love' video by chris cunningham.
Cheers. :) More parts arrived today, so once this hangover wears off a bit, i'll get some more work done. The box that turned up today contained 2xRJ45 inline crossovers, 2x 0.5m UTP cables and a 4 port usb hub. These will allow me to make 2 network ports in the spine, which are the final spine sockets to be made. Once thats done, I can start to smooth the inside using car body filler.
ChoÞÞer said:
what if you got the head movin? insted of webcams? ;) :rolleyes:

Fancy working out the mechanics and electronics i'd need for that? :p
Im not likely to post an update tonight, as I havent done much work that is visible and some epoxy glue is setting so I don't want to move the thing at all. Ive basically modified the inline couplers, so that they are at 90degrees instead, which will give me the clearance behind the motherboard. Ive also cut the holes in the spine, and currently waiting for the glue to dry. Ive also filed the chesplate down a tiny bit to make it fit snugger over the rib bolts.
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