Project Android

Yeah, it was only a couple of quid for a kilogram tub of the stuff. Its more of a cream like consistency rather than a putty like consistency. I still prefer the epoxy putty as its easier to work with IMO. Much more expensive though.
Yeah, its frustrating as hell. I try and go mental and sand it as fast as possible, but most of it is really tricky to get to due to it being on the inside. I have realised that the dremel on the flexi attachment with a sanding drum does a decent job though. Certainly speeds up taking the rough stuff off.
Doubt it as the various filler I use are of different hardness, and im actually shaping the stuff when sanding. Im getting through it slowly though. Today I started with more filling and sanding. As you can see from the second picture, im trying to build the edges up to make them stronger, but also give the illusion that they are thicker.


And here are a few pictures you might all get a bit excited about; The first painting shots! Don't get too exited about it though, as painting the rest of it is still some way off yet. But I wanted to use the stomach plate as a test peice to see waht its going to look like. Im quite pleased with how its come out.


Ive also started spraying the inside of the head to see what that will look like and also because its going to be even harder to do once I start filling it with cameras and electronics etc.


And finally a random picture of me taken sometime ago looking like a buddhist monk, covered in a dust sheet, sanding away.
Some more of the same today.. Filling, snading and painting. This time in white though;


And I think it looks pretty damn good if I may say so so myself. Can't wait for it all to be done. The stomach test piece has come out pretty nice. there is a very tiny amount of 'orange peel', but you really have to be very close to see it. The paint is also not quite as glossy as I had imagined, but looking at it now I recon its just the perfect amount if gloss. Its not a mirror, but it really pics up the shape out the outside.


VeNT said:
so its not some mad way of getting a better looking white layer?
you use gloss or matt for it? going to spray it with a varnish to stop it getting damaged?

No, each side was masked off in turn as I painted each colour. Its matt black and gloss white. Im not sure about putting a few layers of varninsh on. I should really, but I would need a gloss varnish on the white side and a matt varnish on the black side, and I would need to mask it all off again. I have however bought two small pots of the paint I used so that I can go round the edges and neaten it all up with a paint brush.
NickK said:
Dare I suggest putting in CMUcam2+ into the head to control head pan/tilt - could make it follow objects around and really freak people out :D

CMUcam2+ has target tracking and servo controller in built - not bad for a 2.5inch squared PCB.

Nice product there. Shame about the price. :(

ChoÞÞer said:

Just had a look and... what a shame I don't have any on the pc. :p
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No reson why I chose the plasti coat stuff really. Its what they had in B&Q, and they have a large range of colours, as well as matching pots for touch ups.

Yeah, I probably should, and will put a few layers of laquer over the top. Im still not sure if I want the inside gloss though as it would show up defects really easily, so I would have to mask it all off again.

Ive ordered a few more parts now. Ive managed to get hold of some really small ball and socket joints. I thought I was going to have to import them from America, but managed to get them from the UK in the end. Ive also ordered a pci riser card, and a bluetooth dongle(So my phone will automatically connect to the thing :) )
Captain Planet said:
A bit like me :cool:


So you still haven't named her yet?

Word to your mother homes' :p
My mum keeps calling her Eugine due to the marking on her backside. Not sure I like it too much though. I probably should have some silly acronym that makes a name or something.

Edit; Just though of one... Special Autonomous Reconnaissance Android
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VeNT said:
so is the case!

Your too kind. ;)

I might get a bit more filling and sanding done this weekend. Not likely to get much visible work done though, as im waiting on some decent 5mm alu sheet. I need this to finish the chest plate off, which will go up into the throat area and be what i screw the neck 'pistons' into. Once thats done, I can count most of the construction work as completed. Then its painting and electronics to go.
No updates at the moment im afraid. I won't be doing any work this weekend either as i'll be at the OCUK Newcastle meet. At the moment im really waiting on my dad to 'liberate' a small sheet of 4-5mm alu off work. I need it to finish off the rib cage, but it will also form the mounting bracket for the neck pistons.
Thanks for the support guys, its really appreciated.

@Linoge - No I wouldn't particulary mind, but I will however doing a lot of pimping once the project is finished. I don't want to send stuff to magazines etc too early, as I don't want the interest in the project to run out of steam due to me taking too long. I also don't want to feel pressured to have to finish the project within a certain time frame as it would remove much of the fun im having. However feel free to promote it on other forums etc. I did think about creating a thread on Bitech, but im not sure if I could be bothered to keep 2 seperate threads up to date.
Linoge said:
Happy birthday!! I hope your lady friend the android treats you to a nice dinner out. ;) :D

Cheers mate. :D No nice dinner out tonight im afraid, im working late. Going out to get plastered at the Newcastle meet on the weekend though.
Just a quick bump. And I have become aware that several of the students of Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College(Where I work) are following this thread, so a big hello to you all. :)
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