Not really. But off the top of my head;
Finish rib cage chest plate
Attach ribs to chest plate
Make and attach neck pistons to top of chest plate
Attach neck pistons to head
Finish filling and sanding inside of body
Mask outside of body and paint inside black
Mask inside of body and paint outside white
Finish sorting out and wiring up PSU
Sort out head electronics(Thermal probes/Power switches/Speakers/Mics etc)
Finish making eyes
Mask outside of head and paint inside black
Mask inside of head and paint outside white
Mount eyes
Finish wiring and details(Sleeving/Polish metal etc)
Install hardware
Turn on, while shouting "Its Alive!!!"
Install software.
Thats about all of it I think. Ive probably forgotten some things off that list, but thats the general gist of it.