Project Android

:( You lot make me stressed! :p No updates yet, as I havent done any work on it for a while. Im still waiting to get hold of some more 2mm Alu sheet. But im off work all next week so I will hoefully get a fair bit done.
Hehe, don't worry im not really stressed. Just hungover this morning. :( I'd say go for it with making your own, The advice I would give.. build it from the inside out, unlike what im doing. And plan before hand, unlike i did. ;)
VeNT said:
I would, but Overclockers just sent my new case.
or atleast they sent a case that I'm going to use now. I asked for an Akasa eclipse.
they must have run out or something because I got the Akasa Mirage
No excuse. You can never have too many cases ;)

Anyway, a small update;





Im currently working on the chest plate thing. Don't worry it looking a bit weird at the moment, it will look better once ive finished it. The ribs will all be bolted to it. The neck peice will then provide the surface to screw the neck pistons in place.
Not really. But off the top of my head;

Finish rib cage chest plate
Attach ribs to chest plate
Make and attach neck pistons to top of chest plate
Attach neck pistons to head
Finish filling and sanding inside of body
Mask outside of body and paint inside black
Mask inside of body and paint outside white
Finish sorting out and wiring up PSU
Sort out head electronics(Thermal probes/Power switches/Speakers/Mics etc)
Finish making eyes
Mask outside of head and paint inside black
Mask inside of head and paint outside white
Mount eyes
Finish wiring and details(Sleeving/Polish metal etc)
Install hardware
Turn on, while shouting "Its Alive!!!"
Install software.

Thats about all of it I think. Ive probably forgotten some things off that list, but thats the general gist of it. :)


As you see, not that much has changed. I have however made the chestplate for the ribs to attach to. This also acts as the fastening point for the ball and socket joints which will hold the neck pistons. As you can maybe see, some of the ribs are a tiny bit too short to attach the the chest plate, so I will have to remake them a bit longer.
My, its cold in the garage now. :( Anyway, this is what ive done today. Ive had to stop as im waiting for some epoxy glue to dry, and the handheld drill to recharge, but i'll carry on tomorrow.





Im currently making the pistons to join the head to the body. Im having to make them telescopic, so that they work even when the head is moved about. At the moment i've only got some long bolts to help line the ball and socket joints up.
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And the next update is.... now! ;)
Ive done a bit more work on the pistons today. They turned out to be quite a bit harder to plan and make than I had expected. Initially I was just going to make a simple 1 stage, 1 cylinder piston. But when I did the maths on it, It would turn out to be only something like 15mm travel, which wasn't enough. So in the end ive made a 2 stage, 2 cylinder piston which as quite a lot more travel. I think its got something like 60mm in total. Please ignore the masking tape holding it together, that was just for testing. Im currently epoxying the two parts together, I will then wrap them in some alu to make it look better.





That all until next weekend proabably.
Cheers guys(and ladies), as always I appreciate the support. :)

^TANK^ said:
Messiah khan :eek: i have just read through all the thread up till this point im very very impressed you are certainly one creative talented guy :cool:. As previously posted you really should get in touch with some computer magazines for a spread on your project case :). Any more updates?

Thank you. I will get in touch with magazines and websites once the end is in sight. I will be pimping the project as much as possible. I however don't want to try promoting it too soon as interest might fall if I take too long and I don't want any time constraints. As for updates.. you'll have to wait until the weekend probably. I normally only work on it on the weekends as im too tired on weekdays. The next update will no doubt be more pistons, then fixing the ribs.
hatake said:
been a silent follower of this thread for a while now. It looks amazing to say the least. A bit OTT on the attention to detail but that just makes it better.

What was wrong with the previous idea of using the camera stand as the neck? I seem to have missed it. It jumped from the camera stand to the home made pistons.

Any new updates?

Hello silent follower. :) If you think the attention to detail is OTT now, just wait until I start adding detail and purely decorative stuff. :D You havent missed anything btw. The pistons are as well as the camera stands. The camera stand is so that i have a poisitionable ball and socket joints in the middle, wi the pistons around the outside, simply to make it look better. If you look at the following pic, you can see the sort of thing im aiming for;


Might be a little tricky to get it looking that good, but i'll try my hardest. I havent got any updates at the moment. The weekend just gone I was making the other 3 pistons, and also reworking the one I had made already as I wasn't 100% happy with it. Ive managed to join the pistons together without using any epoxy glue now, and it look far better. :)
Probably not tbh. Im seriously considering leaving the painting until next year. I really don't want the cold to damage the paint finish, and the garage is too big to heat up while painting.
Not sure. I'll try and do everything I can do before next year anyway. There are bound do be some parts that I want to do after the painting though. Some of hte wiring/electronics etc. But other than that, yeah im likely to get most of it done.
-I-Am-Great- said:
oh ok one more question. got any big ideas for your next project, i don't know if you can really surpass this one lol

Well im going to be building my main rig probably around the start of next year. Its going to be nowhere near as outlandish as this one, but should still be cool all the same. Its basically going to be a customised v2000 with Phase cooling, water cooling etc. Should be fun to do(if not a little expensive) For the next major mod though, i'd like to do something with flat surfaces and right angles ;) Had thought of some sort of ITX case.

@ Vent... The music vid(not high res, but better than nothing);

and the making of;
Well I got hold of a decent res version off a place I can't mention. Still not great res, but still gives a good idea of how it works. And anyway, even though im closely basing it on the Chris Cunningham video, im not making an exact replica so if I can't figure a bit out, i'll just make it up. :)
Biohazard said:

Common its the weekend! ;)

Have to say, very impressed with your work so far mate. :)

It is indeed the weekend, so here you are;




Thats the neck pistons nearly done. Ive still got a tiny bit more work on them.(Have to glue some endcaps on) Next job is to sort the ribs out, so that they fit properly. I still have some work to do on the neck to make it look perfect, but I think i'll keep those plans under wraps for the moment.
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