Project: Angel

2nd Corsair cooler

Finished of the other cooler tonight. If anyone is wondering what fans I used here they are:



Work well on a fan controller. Here's a Zalman I modded previously :D



Need to buy some more bit's now as I'm almost modded out :D
Nah, left them blue. I won't be using full power very often anyway (red) so blue matches up perfectly what I have in mind.
W3bbo i demand you send me this project so i can review it and ahem send it back to you :P


I am liking it so far :)

I am getting bored of Blue LED atm :(

But very nice :D you little MOD FREAK
Yeah I know what you mean regarding Blue LED. I'm the same with blue tubing and TJ07's. However, I'm going for a sort of gradiet effect with white in the bottom compartment, moving to a pale shade of blue up top (matches the motherboard you see;)).

I reckon I'll be going for a full EK setup for the waterblocks. I was gonna go for the Di Cuplex but stock in the UK is none existant, UK suppliers can't get hold of them either, and as the Chipset and mosfet block is gonna be EK the logical solution is the EK supreme. Still a great block by all accounts, beaten only by the Heatkiller CU block, but that would just look odd I think.

The Lights are in the same place thats why...

No, I meant that the fan rotors are in the same place, not the lights.

If they were unsynched, then some of the rotors would be covering the LEDs, causing the shadows to be cast in a different place.
No Im not. Im furthering my point and trying to clarify, it rather than "covering it up"

...and is there any reason you are referring to me in the third person? Its really quite weird.

If the fans were unsynched, then the shadows (the darker bits in the fan) would not be pointing 12, 3, 6 and 9 o 'clock. They would all be in different places.
I assume you (LukeTW) are referring to "all the lights are in the same place" in the NE, SE, SW and NW corners. Again, if the fans were unsynched, some of the LEDs would be covered up by the fan blades, no? However, as they are all clearly showing, I would assume that the fan blades are pointing N,S,E and W as that is where the darkest bits are.

Hope I explained myself a bit clearer :)
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