Project: Angel

Depending how soon your after the rad w3bbo i might have my PA120.3 going soon as might be going for quad rad.

Looking forward to the pics mate, i'll be starting my braiding in a couple of weeks and NOT looking forward to it!
Ok, here's some snaps I took during my first battle with the PSU which might I add is pretty damn gorgeous to begin with. Sadly the black/yellow braid just dosn't hold with the theme of this build. Here's the PSU (Enermax 85+):






Time to do some braiding...
I originally planned on all white for the braid:


However the braid I got was not the best and showed a lot of the colour of the cables through the braid. I should have gone for murdermod braid but meh. I could have gone the easy route and chosen black but every man and his dog is doing black so opted for blue.

For the ATX I opted to sleeve each cable individually in blue with the ends (the bit nearest the PSU split into 6x4 cables and braid them in blue which gave a neater, easier to manage bundle rather than the PSU exit looking like a rats nest of cables.

Heres the 3mm braid used:


Unclasping the cables from the ATX block was a total PITA. Forget about using the pre-made tools, they snap after about four pins. Bring on the ghetto ATX pin remover :p:


Each pin was painstakingly numbered so I knew which pin went where come rebuild time:


Then I comenced the braiding:


A whole lot of mess!


Note some of the cables are frayed at the ends. These were trimmed before sealing with heatshrink.
Here was the tricky part as I needed to judge how far up the pin to put the heatshrink so's not to interefere with putting the pin back in the block but also not to have any pesky cable colour showing. Here's the 'best fit' that worked for me:


Once braidied up I then had the tedius job of realigning the barb on the pins (24x2!)


Getting there....


Done (although need to trim some heatshrink to level it all out a little).


Rinse and repeat for 8 Pin 12v:


You can still see some colour through the cabling but it's not as bad under normal light, camera flash seems to have brought it out much more than you can see. Either way it's a helluva a lot better than the white looked!.

Thats about it for now, still got a lot of braiding to do, molex, SATA then all the misc wiring in the PC. I'll crack on with that once I get the feeling back in my fingers....sigh:(
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Believe me, there's nothing I'd like more at this moment in time than to plug it all in and just have done with it. Braiding does that to you and if I'm being totally honest I wish I had never started with it:mad:.

But....I've started so I'll finish:(
Believe me, there's nothing I'd like more at this moment in time than to plug it all in and just have done with it. Braiding does that to you and if I'm being totally honest I wish I had never started with it:mad:.

But....I've started so I'll finish:(

Just think when its finished you can be satisfied knowing you sat hours on end braiding to make it look the daddy!

cant wait to see it finished :cool:
Whats the end next to the PSU look like? Did you still braid them together in groups of 4 to make it a bit more managable?

Or do we not get to see that untill all the cables are finished? :p
Looking good matey, be getting my braid next week, unfortunately i'm gonna be a little more boring and just stick with plain black as will want my PSU to last further rebuilds (already planning my next!) and not have to rebraid the PSU again..

Oh, good work, top quality pics too :D
Nothing wrong with black braid m8. Probs the easiest to work with tbh as it covers all colours. Black didn;t really fit with my build though hence my choices being limited to blue or white.
Yep, already done my fans and some extension and 3 pin splitter cables and wasn't so bad but still a lot of work doing a whole PSU.

could have taped up the cables when using the white braid, a few people have done that before but doubles the work per cable!

Either way Blue looks top and compliments the build matey
Taping the cables is a bad idea imo as the tape will ruin an flexibility of the cable and should it come loose under the braid I wouldn't be happy.

I thought of spraying the cables or even dipping them. Hell I even thought of changing the cables themselves but tbh I'm getting so frustrated constantly waiting for bits and pieces to arrive I just went with the blue in the end which seems to work quite nice with the Gigabyte board.
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