Project: Angel

Epic vid dude, that's some serious kit! Maybe one day I'll have the time, funds and inclination to do a build to that kinda level.
Great video - finished result is gorgeous - really clean.

Sounds way too much like a promotional video for mountain mods at the beginning though. :D

Thats the 'problem' with sponsorship m8. They like that sorta thing and after the delays I've had it pays to keep em sweet ;).

Truly amazing build w3bbo.


Epic vid dude, that's some serious kit! Maybe one day I'll have the time, funds and inclination to do a build to that kinda level.

Thx m8. It's deffo been a long road. Maybe next time I'll stick to something a little more standard ;).

Amazing build mate and the vid is good too :)

Vid could be better but hey, I never said I was an video editor lol. It's good enough to give peeps an idea.;)
Now things are settling down a bit I'm starting to push the clocks a little higher. Just tried a 4.4 run with some degree of stability:


Temps not too bad either.

Gonna prime it when I've found the sweet spot so these quick and dirty runs will have to do for now ;).
mind boggling for me to even think about doing something like this... what would one need to know before attempting a project like this?

obviously to have the patience of an Angel, I think I would kill myself if I had to do all that braiding and fitting the watercooling system.

Also what do you plan to do with the rig? keep it for yourself or sell it?
I doubt that will be the 24/7 settings as to run at that speed I have to downclock the memory from 2000MHz CAS7 to 1640MHz CAS8. The extra voltage incurred and the drop in memory frequency isn't really worth it compared to the 24/7 setting of 4.2 but it's nice to know it's there for benching. Gonna try for 4.5 next :).
I can't wait to see what you come up with next. Phase cooled SR2 anyone? 48gb of RAM? 4-way GTX 480?

Mmmmmmm pointless excess.....
I do fancy the 480GTXs but tbh I have yet to find anything that the 280GTXs can't really handle, and thats at 2560x1600! Once they start to show signs of aging then I'll plump for the latest GPU's.
I do fancy the 480GTXs but tbh I have yet to find anything that the 280GTXs can't really handle, and thats at 2560x1600! Once they start to show signs of aging then I'll plump for the latest GPU's.

How much do you think Nvidia & ATI are paying the makers of Crysis to make another game that brings even a super computer to it's knees! It's a conspiracy!
Crysis is a fine example of crap coding. Sure it was fine in it's prime and most (including me) herald it as the game to pit your hardware against but there are still memory leak issues even after the patches. Shame really as it could have been a great groundbreaking game. Anyway, I don't count Crysis when I think of what a PC can handle anymore, I used to but have since realised it's not a good benchmark as all the hardware doing is making good of a bad job lol!

There are plenty of newer games that look better that don't need the hardware to make up for dodgy coding.
Madness tbh. I really cannot see the point of quad 480GTXs etc unless you are going for some sort of synthetic benchmark record. Sure, I wouldn't turn it down given the choice but it can hardly be argued as 'worth it' when one would easily be enough, even with a 30" screen. I'd never buy a pc to play a single game. I would however buy a PC to play a choice of games. Regardless, Crysis is like butter on my setup so all is well ;).
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