Project: Angel

I was undecided tbh. I like the Eagles but it meant spraying the black surrounds which would have been a royal PITA. Coolink do a nice blue fan and clear frame, a bit brighter than the Akasa ones which were tempting. My other option was the old favourate Yateloon SL-12's with blue LED's but the rumours are that these aint really Yate loons, just a cheaper imitation.

Then I saw the Enermax Clusters and the rest was history. White frame, white LED's (which can be turned off if needed) white cabling etc. All this meant that these were the fans for me.
The fan blade design is very novel - almost cloud like.
Here's what some one else if doing with a USA import case :D


And here is a video of the fans - really like the removable fan blades for cleaning etc
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Here's a few shots of some of the hardware that I will be using:


I don't normally go for Gigabytes but the UD5 impressed me a lot when I sampled it and it matches the theme of the build.




Micron D9 goodness:cool:

Gotta say this Patriot ram is lush and perfectly matches the mobo...but I have a few extra mods planned for it yet:p


More to come soon (I hope!).
I might use two psu's if the need arises, there's room for two in the case so it would be rude not to:p

Little update, just got a mail from MountainMods:
Hi Richard,

The parts were picked up yesterday from powder.
I’ll work this weekend and get the thing airborne beginning of next week.


Mountain Mods


Now to battle with the import taxation.
I dunno tbh, it's officially a review item so I don't know how import tax works on things like that.
Looking good, can't wait to see the finish build :)

Off topic:
1. How do you take pic with white background like that?
2. Is your website?

Thanks :p
1. Depends what equipment you have. When I first started out I took pics in a bath and simply altered the exposure as required. I have a white room now which makes things much easier:).

2. Not 'my' webiste - I most of the component reviews for them.
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