Well after a long evening, it lives!
That cpu temp was after it had been sat in the bios for about 15 minutes, after an hour it was at 38DegC, but I've yet no idea if thats good or bad?
I've still got a lot to do yet, but couldn't wait to get it turned on and make sure it was all going ok so far
Job list looks like this:
Resleeve the power cable for the RAM cooler unit,
Spray paint the cases of the DVD drives black,
Try somehow to make the 24 pin cable look tidier,
Then I've got some white strip cathodes I'm hoping to fit in somehow, I want some basic white light in there, but not too much, and not so that you can see the light source at all. The cathode wires are already sleeved so they just need placing when I can work out where. I definitely need one to light up the res
I'm also thinking of some sort of support for the gfx card, it's definitely bending over at the front end, just some sort of thin metal tube to wedge from one of the power connectors to the middle case floor to prop it up will do I think.
I'm also looking again at fans, I've found a lovely fan for the case rear but it's only in 120mm and not 140mm as is now. There are holes to fit a 120mm fan in that place, but I'm not sure of the effect of the smaller fan. The current 140mm one is sat at 900rpm and really doesn't feel like it's doing that much. Also the fans on the rad were meant to be the 1900rpm ones, but I got sent the 1200rpm version instead, and I didn't notice on the packets untill after I'd sleeved them all, doh!
Anyway, after a few more bits sorted I'll get some more, and maybe final, pics up in a few days time.