Project Death Weapon

well, we fired it at 60psi, it went about 100ft :D so when we get it up to 100psi should get it pretty damn far

also i shoulder mounted it at 20psi that went quite far also :) and im still alive

I'll upload the vids later/tomorrow
jdickerson said:
We did something similar in college. Some did catapults and trebuchets. One guy just through it as hard as he could. He won. :D

same here for gcse design tech.

the aim was to get it to travel furthers, people spent ages making triagulated (for strenght) catapults etc, that traveled 10 feet, i dossed the entire 5 months, turned up at the end with a piece of wood, two nails in it and two elastic bands tied together, and won by about 200m LOL
This looks good fun, but you're still going to struggle to beat the distance that Tiger Woods can knock it with a 1 wood. A club can apply a force of circa 18000N according to this link: Hit me!
I wish I was this creative when it came to my Physics practical. The physics teacher basically said do what you want as long as you can make a worthwile piece of coursework out of it. I ended up making some sort of kettle. :(
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