Project Ethos & Cube - Desk Awesomeness

Bingo ;)

Otherwise I would be sitting with my knees squished and my arms above my head lol, well not quite.

Yeh this seems to be the major flaw with a lot of in-desk builds - for a desk to be comfortable you have to get your knees under it, which leads to to surface being uncomfortable for use. I like the way you designed your way around it.
As a graduate that hasn't secured a job yet my sense of money is a little twisted. Just out of curiousity, are you a gajizillionaire?
Unfortunately no...
Altho I wish :)

I did sell a server, and some stocks to fund this project.
Still need to sell some more stuff to make up the difference lol.
Great looking desk, Watching this project intensely for any updates can't wait to see the finished result.
Great looking project, puts me to shame when I see all the DIY skills that other people have!

OT but did I spy a Technics Digital Piano (PX series?) in one of your earlier pics?

Forgive me for being a noob to desk PC buildind or if it has been mentioned already but what do you use to replace the cables and buttons that would usually come from a case itself like power on and reset. I have an old CD mixing DJ box that would be ideal for a PC build but I dont know how to replace all the functions of the case.
Forgive me for being a noob to desk PC buildind or if it has been mentioned already but what do you use to replace the cables and buttons that would usually come from a case itself like power on and reset. I have an old CD mixing DJ box that would be ideal for a PC build but I dont know how to replace all the functions of the case.

Look at page 8, post #227
Wow, very impressive work. I've just spent the last hour at least looking through this whole thread.

I wish I had the time, cash and ability to do something like this for myself. Maybe one day...

Look forward to seeing it completed :)
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