Got a bit of time this weekend.
Firstly might have mislead you slightly, one of those GPU's was for a mate so not both for this build. But I will probably get another 780 in the future, not right now.
Installed the EVGA Classified backplate on the GPU.
Put it all in the Mobo tray and installed the CPU.
Im using the stock Intel cooler for now, as still waiting on EK to release the EVGA Classy 780 Waterblock.
The Acrylic pipe should be here shortly so I'm almost ready to go.
Testing it out for now to make sure it works OK.
Just a quick shot more to come soon
But the story goes:
I put it all together, the mobo lights up and shows power.
Pressing the start button and the PSU clicks and nothing...
Mobo still has lights but no fans or anything.
Spend a bit more time trying and nothing at all.
Replaced the 8pin mobo power cable and tried again and nothing...
Took out the GPU, and tried using onboard GPU, and works perfectly...
Oh man DOA GPU?!
Find some original GPU power cable and boom works perfectly.
Oh crud so my custom cables are messed.
Trace the cables through to make 100% sure they are OK, and man did I mess up somewhere.
Some of the cables were going to the totally wrong place on the other side of the connection.
Removed the cables and re-seated them in the correct position, re-plugged them all in, and powered on fine!
Just need to make another 4pin Mobo power cable when I got a second.
So all working now.
Installed Win 8 and some games to do a little testing, and man is it good!
Next need to finish off the server, and get that back into place.
Make the SATA cables (Still waiting on new wire)
And ye the project continues but its coming along now