Project: Fallen Angel


More of an update on me than anything else tbh. It wasn't shingles after all but something called neuralgesia dyscopsia (something along those lines). BAsicly a massive head infectection - hallucinations were great...not!!!

Anyway, back to the build. While I've been laid up I've acrued a few bits and bobs so I'll be cracking on with the build this weekend. First up is the braiding and PSU mod.

Will post up pics as I progress;)
Glad your on the mend matey, Hallucinations ain't fun at the best of times ;)

Now crack on ... been waiting to see more
More of an update on me than anything else tbh. It wasn't shingles after all but something called neuralgesia dyscopsia (something along those lines). BAsicly a massive head infectection - hallucinations were great...not!!!

Anyway, back to the build. While I've been laid up I've acrued a few bits and bobs so I'll be cracking on with the build this weekend. First up is the braiding and PSU mod.

Will post up pics as I progress;)
Good to hear your feeling a bit better.:) Look forward to seeing how your build progresses.
Thanks for the support guys. much appreciated.

Spent all day braiding and I do mean ALL day :(. Braiding this psu is a bit of a pain coz some of the wires are spliced, I also extended the 2 8 pin PCIe cables.
Still not done it all but 24ATX, 2x 8 pin , 2x 8 pin PCIe are complete so gonna leave it there for today coz my fingers are aching :(. Will finish it off tomorrow and post up some pics.
Braiding pt.1

And so it begins....

First off I had to strip down the PSU ready for braiding.

Here's a quick reminder of the PSU as it looked:


Looked great in my Angel build but hardly becomming of something a little more devilish so time for a complete colour change.


I'm no electrician but it goes without saying that you should not do this while it's plugged in. The coils/capacitors can also harbour some residual current after switching off too so be careful if you intend on doing this.

It helps to take photos of the internals for an aide memoire when putting it all back together:


Perhaps the most difficult thing when stripping down the psu was removing the on/off switches and power socket:


With those removed the rest was pretty much plain sailing and self explanitory, right down to the bare psu itself:


...and the psu frame which needs a spruce up:


next up pt.2
So with the psu now stripped down it was time to kiss my fingers goodbye. I thought I'd do a mini guide to braiding but there are more comprehensive ones on the net if you wanna search around.

The braiding I have gone for is red and black to match the theme. I was undecided over the red and black mix braid you can get but I think that looks a bit dull and much prefer the brighter, separate colours:


First step really was the strip all the old braid off. This was actually quite painfull considering the amount of time it took to do the first time around...knowing I got it all to do again lol.


I must have tried every tool going to remove female pins from PCIe/24 pin ATX. Most snapped after a few uses but the good 'ol cork pins are by far the best tool I have used for this. Just slide it down one edge of the pluf, then the other and a gentle tug frees the cable :)


Same for the 24 pin


1 word of warning before you go stripping yours down, make sure you number your cables.


There are pin out guides on the net which can also be used but I find this just as easy and less confusing as you put the cables back.


Another problem I encountered with this psu was that not all of the cables were single. a lot of them were spliced so the braid could not be done singulary all the was to the psu. Not to worry though because I doubt the hole in the psu would take all of the cables when braided anyway.


Here's the solution I used:


Still very neat and tidy and won't look like a rats nest coming out of the PSU :)

When cutting the braid melt the frayed ends so they don'!



Don't forget to re-lift the metal slithers up as the cable won't latch into the plug.

Braiding pt.2

You can get heatshrink in different shrink ratios. I chose 3:1 as that gives a good tight fit without too much 'shrinkage', if that makes sense. You can also get it with adhesive on the inside which provides fantastic grip to the braid/cable. The last heatshrink I used was not adhesive and while it gave a tight fit, it lost it's grip when bent, resulting in the braid coming loose.

To get an even measure on the braid I used a custom measuring tool...a spare watercooling barb :D


The 'measured' heatshrink tubes were then cut again in half for the 24 pin.


Keeping everything neat and tidy speeds thinks up when braiding and after a while it becomes pretty much like an assembly line allowing you to braid methodically rather than stopping and starting all the time to use different tools.

Here's a shot of the heatshrink while still maleable after heating up with a hairdryer. You can use a heatgun but a decent hairdryer is just as effective on full heat:


8pin ATX:


Because my case is large and the PSU being at the top of the case I extended the PCIe cables by 50cm, easy enough to do and looks neater than using some of the pre-braided cable extensions available.


All done.


Rinse and repeat for the 24pin:


Next up PSU frame mod...
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PSU mod

Remember the white frame? Sanded down, primed and then sprayed black:

Carbonised :D


I decided to keep the revolution 'arrows, if somewhat a little more descreet than stock :



Thats the psu done with now. I just have to sleeve all the modular cables but that can wait till I get some feeling back into my finger tips!



Hope you like. I'm rather chuffed with how it's turned out and matches my build a treat. :D
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