Project: Fallen Angel

Time to finally start building. I seem to have spent so long preping and modding stuff :(.

Anyway here she is, the Rampage III Extreme:


The perfect motherboard to match the case and build:


After prepping the motheboard by removing the stock 'cement' with some MX-3 I set about mounting the heatsink, Prolimatech Super Mega:



Love the mounting hardware of the Super Mega. Easy but with 70lbs of pressure thanks to the optional black screws it should be effective :).


Dunno if the copper fins will make that much difference but I managed to get the cooler for the same price as the all aluminium megalahems so I'm not not complaining:



I originally had the Bitfinex Spectre 120mm fans planned for the HS but it made it look too black so I plumped for Prolimatech Vortex 140mm in push pull:


Memory in situ:



Sadly the board and tray together wouldn't fit into the case in one go thanks to the size of the cooler so I had to hide cables as I went rather than do a big cable tidy at the end of the build:


I also used the same fans on the intake door:

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My first thought as others have said would be to show the sata cables in all there glory. But its your choice Mr w3bbo and i guess once its finished you can see exactly how the colours blend in you could allways move them around to face ..... looks grand :)
Starting to come together quite nicely, love the little bits of detailing such as the carbon on the gpu's and the red painted parts on the ram. The super mega is indeed a beast of a cooler, mounting hardware it uses is fantastic, very secure.
The case came with a mesh panel:



can i be really cheeky and have that mesh from you please ?

i need it to be 40 by 45 cm if it is big enough.

asking you is cheeky but you never know until you ask :D

please please please please please.
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My first thought as others have said would be to show the sata cables in all there glory. But its your choice Mr w3bbo and i guess once its finished you can see exactly how the colours blend in you could allways move them around to face ..... looks grand :)

I'll try both ways before making a decision.

Starting to come together quite nicely, love the little bits of detailing such as the carbon on the gpu's and the red painted parts on the ram. The super mega is indeed a beast of a cooler, mounting hardware it uses is fantastic, very secure.

Tempted by a silver arrow tbh but the blue fans would look fugly :(

My God, Webs - looking really beautiful, as always. Time to give up the day job, my friend.

Thats very kind of you to say so, thx.

Looks really nice Webbo. :)
Is there any way of shifting the top door fan down a slot though - seems to be blowing against the stealth dvd cover a bit.

There are no screw holes and I don't have a taper :(. The problem with moving a fan down is it will then look mismatched from the front as they are LED fans. If temps are affected though I will deffo consider moving the fan.

Looking lovely mate. Nice and clean



can i be really cheeky and have that mesh from you please ?

i need it to be 40 by 45 cm if it is big enough.

asking you is cheeky but you never know until you ask :D

please please please please please.

Sorry buddy but I'll be keeping the mesh as a back up panel should the perspex get scratched ;)
The silver arrow does sound like a great cooler, fans are ghastly looking though. Btw m8, i had to go back to the 140mm yates as intake fans, sadly the airflow from the spectres wasnt strong enough, saw a jump in idle gpu temps of 31-30c to 45-50c, replaced my ghetto mod fan with an antec spot cool, didnt help with the spectres so went back to the yates, gpu's back at their lower temps again. Thankfully though a workmate was needing a few quiet 140mm fans so he's agreed to buy them.
Sorry a bit off topic, but really impressed by your photographs. what sort of camera lens set up are you using, and what sort of lighting, backdrop etc
The first few were taken with my 400D (R.I.P). The majority were taken with a cheapo Canon A485 pocket camera.

I used to review/photograph pc hardware which has given me a little experience in this sort of photography but I'm by no means an expert. I just get by on the basics.

Decent pics can be taken with most camera's tbh m8 if you get the angles right and have a basic knowledge of how to use photoshop filters etc.
For the lighting in this build I was just going to let the LED fans do their bit but to add a few minor highlights to the rest of the build I decided to add an LED string, hidden behind the motherboard:


With that done it was pretty much plain sailing apart from hiding all of those cables I spent so long braiding!!!


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