In hind sight I could have sparayed it without taking it apart, but I enjoyed doing this last night and tbh its ensured its done better now.
Just checked my rad and I'm not happy with the orange, it needs another 1 or 2 coats, so I've just sprayed on a third coat, lets see if it needs a 4th once dry.
Antec tricool fans. stripped down and motor and bearings taped up and just sprayed the primer, waiting for it to dry then putting on the first layer of orange

Well initial thoughts on the fans is that I'm not happy with them. Added another layer of paint just now, will leave it till tonight and see what I think then.

I'm considering getting some orange LED fans instead though.
Middle ones look fine, plug it in and see how it looks? Or as davido suggested, stick an led behind it and see how it looks?
Case has finally been ordered today... after changing my mind 5 or 6 times what I wanted
It has cost me over €500 including shipping.
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