The fittings arrived this morning and I've finally put them in. The pipework I'd done for the join just needed a trim as expected.
Now the system is full and running leak free!
I've shaken the case around a a fair bit to remove air and then brimmed the reservoir and needed very close to 1000ml to fill the loop. It may be a shade under or over. That 1l wash bottle really proved useful for preventing any drips at all.
It's been going about 20 minutes now and no leaks. I'll be draining a bit out soon to add the stage 2 of the Mayhems cleaner.
In the meantime I'll fit the last 3 fans to the top radiator.
Finished pipeowrk
The fittings arrived this morning and I've finally put them in. The pipework I'd done for the join just needed a trim as expected.
Now the system is full and running leak free!
I've shaken the case around a a fair bit to remove air and then brimmed the reservoir and needed very close to 1000ml to fill the loop. It may be a shade under or over. That 1l wash bottle really proved useful for preventing any drips at all.
It's been going about 20 minutes now and no leaks. I'll be draining a bit out soon to add the stage 2 of the Mayhems cleaner.
In the meantime I'll fit the last 3 fans to the top radiator.
Finished pipeowrk