That looks awesome, can't wait to see the finished build
really nice dude , A simple guitar case and guitar stand and your sorted for a LAN event! that would turn some heads!
Thanks guys, its getting close to the end now!
New update!
Not a lot happening in this one, but need to keep you updated with what im doing so here it is!
i didnt manage to get a "slot loading" drive, but i did have this lying around, so i stripped it down.
Video of the magic button

(Don't know how to get this to play on the forums, so it hyper-links it to my photobucket page.
Now for the USB and Audio PCB
Some serious cable management!
Everything in place and as it stands at the minute!
Thats it for now, iv just ordered a ASUS GT210 1GB Low profile GPU and PCI-E Extender cable.
so that will be my next update once they arrive (hopefully tuesday).
Once i have done that, its then onto making sure it all works 100% and everything has a place.
then tidying and spraying the case

Dont' worry about the way things look when it comes to the holes and cd draw, they will look better once i get round to the case
Then final pictures will be revealed in the "Reserved" post at No.2.
im happy to take any ideas and suggestions towards colours, or designs.
Thanks for looking :0, see you next time!
EDIT: Sorry about the blurry photo's