Project: Guitar Of Justice

Nice one mate. Looks sweet:)

really nice work there!

Its really coming along now, cannot wait to see it finished

Very cool project!

nice work

cheers guys, good comments help me keep doing it :)

Looks great, as for colours I just finished spraying my electric guitar in a BMW graphite grey metallic and it looks the business. I don't know if that is the look your going for or if you want too keep the wood look that would be very cool too. If it was me I would definitely keep the two tone look so that the back and sides are different from the front as I think it really helps show of the guitars shape better than one solid colour.

Cheers, i like the idea of that grey colour (im a fan of grey :) ), but i don't think it would work on this.

id love to keep the wood, but with me working on it, most of it is scratched and damaged. i could strip and re-varnish it, but im not that good at that sort of thing, and there is hundrends of different types of wood styles, i wouldn't want to get it wrong lol.

as for keeping it the traditional guitar acoustic look, i agree.

i just need to decide on colours, i was thinking of blue, with black faded edges. but then what colour would i do the sides and back ?

Update time! :)

in this update, i received the graphics card, and GPU extender cable., got round to fitting them, and also added the 2 x 60mm fans from before to the bottom of the case for intake.

Take alook.

now, in orde for me to get the graphics card into the case, i had to take its face off!

using the face plate, i marked up the holes.

now, as you can see in this picture it didnt fit right. (this is the only place in the case i could put it!, i tried a million different place's, but because of the GPU extender cable, it wouldn't !

so, i had to improvise, again!

i marked up around the face plate on the curve of the guitar, cut it out, and screwed it into place.

then i had the issue of it touching one of the PCI slots on the board..

(Sorry about the picture, tried to get a better shot, but im using a digital camera.)

This is where it was touching.

Back on the card, with the fins bent in towards the fan to make it fit
:D, just hope this dosnt effect the cooling too much.

Next was to drill some air intake holes for the 2 x 60mm fans.

Not the best, but i'm going to put some grills, or mesh over the bottom to prevent a lot of dust getting in. so you wont be able to see the holes.

(You may ask why not just cut some holes ?... i didn't cut holes because the case needs as much strength as possible.)

Fans in.

Bought some new files and 2 of the paints ill be needing to do the exterior of the case.

Hope you like the colour :D, my girlfriend chose it, i had to include her somwhere :D.

Thats all for now, next to see will be tidying up the case, spraying it, and then major cable management inside, and then the hardware, install the os, and use it !

Cool as, see you soon :)
Lol, iv been that busy with my main system and moving house, it's take me ages to get it finished !

I dont have much Todo now.

Finish sanding the guitar.
Prep for painting.
Install components.
Plug it in.
Use it.

But easier said than done lol.

There is one problem you may have with this case and its vibration.
I may have a solution for that.
There is this small company I found which makes insulation foam, which among other things is fantastic for sound and vibration reducing. They are called Kewell Converters and they cut their foam to size, so you dont need to order huge sheet. Foam itself is also very flexible so it will fit all angles well. I am using it in my current project as well. As far as I know its also available with some self adhesive on one side.
Look into this, mate :-)
There is one problem you may have with this case and its vibration.
I may have a solution for that.
There is this small company I found which makes insulation foam, which among other things is fantastic for sound and vibration reducing. They are called Kewell Converters and they cut their foam to size, so you dont need to order huge sheet. Foam itself is also very flexible so it will fit all angles well. I am using it in my current project as well. As far as I know its also available with some self adhesive on one side.
Look into this, mate :-)

Will do :) cheers mate !
Actually, they just contacted me again and told me that minimum order worth is 150£, so I decided to go somewhere else to find what I need.
You probably wont need much of that foam anyway, so why don't you use various bits of foam you have from computer parts boxes?
This should be enough :)
Awesome project. My first thought was also noise (it's in a case designed to reverberate!) so I'll be interested to see how she goes. Looks extremely badass though!
This is looking awesome. As regards to the two latest fans, would you not be better to strengthen that area and cut them out fully?
Actually, they just contacted me again and told me that minimum order worth is 150£, so I decided to go somewhere else to find what I need.
You probably wont need much of that foam anyway, so why don't you use various bits of foam you have from computer parts boxes?
This should be enough :)

ok lol, I will have alook around and see what I can get at the time :)

Awesome project. My first thought was also noise (it's in a case designed to reverberate!) so I'll be interested to see how she goes. Looks extremely badass though!

really great custom work

Really looking forward to seeing this finished man

Nice! Want to see the finished thing

Have followed this for a while cannot wait to see this finished!

Cheers guys :), im moving into my new house end of this week, so shouldn't be too long after then that ill get the time to finish it (hopefully).

This is looking awesome. As regards to the two latest fans, would you not be better to strengthen that area and cut them out fully?

thanks, I have thought about that, as im not too happy with it at the moment. if I make any changes, you will sure see what I do to it :). the only issue I do have, is finding something to strengthen it with, that's not going to get in the way of the motherboard. I only have about 1/4" to play with.

If your looking to line the inside to reduce vibrations you could buy a whole load of cheap mouse mats and cut them up and put them in place with spray adhesive. I was able to get 10 a few weeks ago for £2 on a well know auction site. I use them to stack pick-ups on guitars to reduce vibrations from the body so in theory it should work just as well with computer components.
If your looking to line the inside to reduce vibrations you could buy a whole load of cheap mouse mats and cut them up and put them in place with spray adhesive. I was able to get 10 a few weeks ago for £2 on a well know auction site. I use them to stack pick-ups on guitars to reduce vibrations from the body so in theory it should work just as well with computer components.

That's a very good idea :) I think I will do just that, thanks again.

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