Project log: ''Make it up as i go along'' ( more airbushing)

update is just around the corner. im leaving the reaper side for now and movign onto the opposite side. gettign sick of doign the reaper so will finish it in a bit ><
shadowscotland said:
Image of real one

Errr...begs the question what you are doing with a scythe lying around your house!? Do a bit reaping in your spare time do you? I'm glad I'm not living in your neigbourhood...! :)
:mad: Camera is playign up again. no pics yet.
so far ive chalked an absolutly rough line of the 3 heads on the side. and added some details tot he reaper side.

btw, surly a scythe is'nt the most practical of tools to lob someones head off. surly a big ass sword, or JML edge© would do a better, easier job ( and still cut through a squishy tomato)
oooooooooooow how about some cutting and make the blade like a window to inside the case... with some neon lights to make it glow??

Bananadude said:
Errr...begs the question what you are doing with a scythe lying around your house!? Do a bit reaping in your spare time do you? I'm glad I'm not living in your neigbourhood...! :)

Got me a field that need some attention, what will all them wild oats I keep sowing :p

......Just a googled image ;)

@Stelly - double post :eek: - span total +1

@R B Customs - does look better head on I must say, and I'm all for a little artistic licence. Comment was not mean as a dig, just a heads up (don't see many 'real' sythes these days).

Anyway back off to the F@H fields, got some reaping to do :D
:mad: Camera is playign up again. no pics yet.
so far ive chalked an absolutly rough line of the 3 heads on the side. and added some details tot he reaper side.

btw, surly a scythe is'nt the most practical of tools to lob someones head off. surly a big ass sword, or JML edge© would do a better, easier job ( and still cut through a squishy tomato)
its the whole "reaper man" thing innit.
right, so sorry about the lack of updates, camera has been playing silly buggers and i havnt been very well recently.

ive started to add soem details to the shaft: ( btw i know this looks a tad terrible at the moment, im workign on it dont worry ;)


some sharper highlights / suggestions of damage to the edge of the blade:


and finaly the last remaining threads hanging off the ... threads? lol


Incredible doesnt quite cover it, I am so tempted to start trying to airbrush, as if the end result can look as good as that (obviously if you are good enough hehe) then its worth the learning process 10x over.

Fantastic job bud :)

OT.. Father Ted, your sig breaks the rules;

A signature may contain one or more images but they must fit within a box with maximum dimensions of 400 x 75 pixels (width x height) and with a maximum (combined) file size of 20k. Images containing mostly very large words or animated .gifs will not be permitted. You may also add 1 consecutive lines of normal or smaller text directly above or underneath the image with no spaces inbetween image and text. If no images are used then up to 4 consecutive lines of normal or smaller text is permitted. Do not pad out your text lines with blanks lines. A line of text is defined as having a maximum length of 400 pixels.

Just a friendly heads up. :)

Edit; Oh yeah, and back on topic.. Looking great Rick. OT again.. Have you dealt with pearlescent paint much? Im having some ideas for another mod, and might need your help or advice.
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