its alive!!! phew, good luck with yours paul
I've noticed on the UD7 it has two 8 pin plugs on the board. Any need to power them both?
Most. Retarded. Fault. Ever.
Since I'm using dual cards, my motherboard has a 6pin PCI connector to give the PCI lanes a little extra juice. I plugged that in to see if it helps.
Unplugged it, all is well
Now to figure out why one of my hard drives isn't showing.
Mine never showed neither, just went into disk management and assigned it a letter.
Think it was 8pack i asked about 2 eps plugs, think he said plug em both in which will help spread the load on the vrm's which will help a little when oc'ing, sure it will be the same for any board hat has that feature.
Looks like you're well on your way with this build. Will be interesting to see what speeds you can eek! out of those cards.
What about those two sata power ports on the UD7. Any point in powering them up? Somthing to do with providing extra power to the Pcie lanes.