Project MEGA DEBLOW - Watercooled Desk Mod

Hope the operation went well for you - sorry to hear about the pain you are in, but I suppose that was to an extent inevitable. Perhaps you should take it easy for a while and let the body get over the shock.

Nice to see you are back with us though. :)

What a build!!! Massive Kudos to ya Deblow.

Not had any Kudos for many years so Thanks! :D

Hope the operation went well for you - sorry to hear about the pain you are in, but I suppose that was to an extent inevitable. Perhaps you should take it easy for a while and let the body get over the shock.

Nice to see you are back with us though. :)


op went well Mark and thanks for asking, iv had no choice but to take it easy the last week as iv had no energy or brain power to do anything lol
I will definitely get the final photos up by the weekend as everything that's important is done now :)
Not had any Kudos for many years so Thanks! :D

op went well Mark and thanks for asking, iv had no choice but to take it easy the last week as iv had no energy or brain power to do anything lol
I will definitely get the final photos up by the weekend as everything that's important is done now :)

Look forward to the pics - well done mate.

It is truly fantastic and you had me wanting to transfer my own uv green thing (with a couple of updates) into a custom built desk until I realised I have nowhere to put one :D

Have some more kudos cos you deserve it mate :)
It is truly fantastic and you had me wanting to transfer my own uv green thing (with a couple of updates) into a custom built desk until I realised I have nowhere to put one :D

Have some more kudos cos you deserve it mate :)

Thanks Pete, love your build :)

I will be uploading final build pics today, but im going to start with some small displays showing important info.
The 1st is my tablet showing all PC info i will ever need i.e Volts,Temp,Usage,RAM and so on


and again the same program but with my custom info display, CORE tems for CPU & GPU's


And last of all the desk fan controller (only for desk fans not the RADs) the temp are showing desk temps and Room temps only.
I don't trust them from reading CPU/GPU temps but work perfect for room temps

With RGB LED's you can have almost any color you want, its hard to show how it really looks in photos so i have taken 100s of photos lol
I wont spam the forums with them all but i will add them to my facebook page and give links in my last post.

The RES, Some show the LEDs at low setting and others are at MAX.


and some night shots of the desk with the same LED settings, I like the white but as im typing this update its all set to green :)


in this photo you can see the cover i made from fake leather, with all the LEDs off and the cover on the desk is 100% blacked out apart from the power,reset and LED switches


#PC in a Desk
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Forgot to show my lower shelf's in previous updates so here they are,
4 in total 2 per side, the upper right side holds my Sub & 2nd pc and all the others will hold my consoles.
all carpeted with the same type used in cars & car subs (Black) and all with LED lighting controlled independently.

Now the build is finally complete i need to thank some people,

Firstly and most importantly are my fellow PC modders & forum users, without your comments and contribution of ideas the build would never have been as successful as it has.

Next my wife and friends for all the help given, my wife has helped carry,shop,make tea & snacks & provide some pain relief when needed :D

My Friends Ian & Carl have also helped with the heavy lifting & Ian helped provide me with the glass needed for the desk (Big thanks)

And finally my sponsors Lep @ EK water blocks for providing the Watercooling blocks and support throughout the build.

Chris @ Cooler Master (CM Storm) UK, I was already using CM Power Supply & fans, but Chris updated them for the latest and best
along with my CM storm gaming set :D
but best of all hes been great to talk with over the last 3 months & even got me in to the gadget show for a great day out :)

facebook link - still needed updating but will be done soon. nice place to just look at the photos.

Im still working in the Vids for my youtube, will upload in the next week hopefully

Big thank you to everyone, and i hope i get the chance to do something bigger in the future and share it with you all :)

Rob (Deblow)
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This is a ridiculous project! :)
Must be so cool when sitting at it!

I'm stat at it most of the day and i love it :D
its so quiet and calming, the water reflects on the walls and ceiling but wont show very well in the photos :(

at night I have most the LEDs off unless im wanting to see something on my desk or in the shelf's
Have to admit to being a bit sad now it is complete as I will have nothing to look forward to on updates etc, but hell I must not be selfish. My hats off to you. I hope you get as much joy out of using it as I did watching it all take shape. For all that you have been through and are still going through - you are an inspiration to us all.

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