Now the build is finally complete i need to thank some people,
Firstly and most importantly are my fellow PC modders & forum users, without your comments and contribution of ideas the build would never have been as successful as it has.
Next my wife and friends for all the help given, my wife has helped carry,shop,make tea & snacks & provide some pain relief when needed
My Friends Ian & Carl have also helped with the heavy lifting & Ian helped provide me with the glass needed for the desk (Big thanks)
And finally my sponsors Lep @ EK water blocks for providing the Watercooling blocks and support throughout the build.
Chris @ Cooler Master (CM Storm) UK, I was already using CM Power Supply & fans, but Chris updated them for the latest and best
along with my CM storm gaming set
but best of all hes been great to talk with over the last 3 months & even got me in to the gadget show for a great day out
facebook link - still needed updating but will be done soon. nice place to just look at the photos.
Im still working in the Vids for my youtube, will upload in the next week hopefully
Big thank you to everyone, and i hope i get the chance to do something bigger in the future and share it with you all
Rob (Deblow)