Cracking on with the Mod and some more Dremel action today.
Treated myself to a few presents to make the going easier and to keep me safe.
Hacked off from my door cutting debacle (17 broken discs), I decided to treat myself to the Dremel Speed click system.
And a respirator to keep all the aluminium dust and paint dust out of my lungs.
Going to be removing most of the Hex mesh grills to open up the airflow a bit more.
Front grills prior to removal
Rear Rad area grills prior to removal.
Safety gear on, Goggles + Respirator + Ear defenders and I'm ready to play. Man was I hot in that lot, had to keep stopping to de mist the goggles. Tempting though it is to do it without it's really not worth the risk.
Front grills removed (probably going to leave the one on the right as I won't be placing a fan there).
Rear grills removed, ready to accept the rads and give much better airflow.
Dremelling is not an exact science, but i'm rather pleased with the results.
Next job is to cut out most of the roof to make room for 4 extract fans. I'll be fabricating a new sheet to form the new roof and mounting the fans into that as unfortunately the rebate in the roof section where it steps down isn't big enough to accommodate the fans.
Treated myself to a few presents to make the going easier and to keep me safe.

Hacked off from my door cutting debacle (17 broken discs), I decided to treat myself to the Dremel Speed click system.

And a respirator to keep all the aluminium dust and paint dust out of my lungs.

Going to be removing most of the Hex mesh grills to open up the airflow a bit more.
Front grills prior to removal

Rear Rad area grills prior to removal.

Safety gear on, Goggles + Respirator + Ear defenders and I'm ready to play. Man was I hot in that lot, had to keep stopping to de mist the goggles. Tempting though it is to do it without it's really not worth the risk.

Front grills removed (probably going to leave the one on the right as I won't be placing a fan there).

Rear grills removed, ready to accept the rads and give much better airflow.

Dremelling is not an exact science, but i'm rather pleased with the results.

Next job is to cut out most of the roof to make room for 4 extract fans. I'll be fabricating a new sheet to form the new roof and mounting the fans into that as unfortunately the rebate in the roof section where it steps down isn't big enough to accommodate the fans.