Project:- Modzart

Cracking on with the Mod and some more Dremel action today.
Treated myself to a few presents to make the going easier and to keep me safe.


Hacked off from my door cutting debacle (17 broken discs), I decided to treat myself to the Dremel Speed click system.


And a respirator to keep all the aluminium dust and paint dust out of my lungs.


Going to be removing most of the Hex mesh grills to open up the airflow a bit more.

Front grills prior to removal



Rear Rad area grills prior to removal.


Safety gear on, Goggles + Respirator + Ear defenders and I'm ready to play. Man was I hot in that lot, had to keep stopping to de mist the goggles. Tempting though it is to do it without it's really not worth the risk.


Front grills removed (probably going to leave the one on the right as I won't be placing a fan there).




Rear grills removed, ready to accept the rads and give much better airflow.



Dremelling is not an exact science, but i'm rather pleased with the results.


Next job is to cut out most of the roof to make room for 4 extract fans. I'll be fabricating a new sheet to form the new roof and mounting the fans into that as unfortunately the rebate in the roof section where it steps down isn't big enough to accommodate the fans.

Looking good. As for the colour scheme, I agree with the 'darker on the inside' thing. I reckon a copper coloured case would look really good actually. Maybe go a little steampunk with it.
Why not put a 1080 phobya rad on the back and on the roof.

Look like there should be plenty of space and will give you a lot more cooling. Potentially you cOuld even turn the whole top section of the case into an internal rad-box
Thanks for all the great feedback and support Guys, and sorry it's taken a while to get an update posted.

I've not been slacking though, I've made myself a convertible!!!

Plan is to replace the roof with a sheet of tinted Acrylic and to have 4 fans mounted on extract, pulling all the hot air from out of the case. The tinted acrylic will also afford a view down inside the case from the top (if anyone can get up that high :)


Great idea for the roof!
Wow there is barely anything left of the chassis. Is it still as sturdy as it was before all the excess was cut off?
Great idea for the roof!
Wow there is barely anything left of the chassis. Is it still as sturdy as it was before all the excess was cut off?

I am a smidge concerned abou structural integrity, but think once things start to go back in and get bolted to it it will improve.

fingers crossed eh
cant believe i missed this.

Subbed :)

Cheers Sayso

All subs very much appreciated.

Not a lot of activity this week as have been doing the GT fan comparrison review.

Pleased to say that my acrylic arrived this afternoon and that I should be back out in the workshop tomorrow for a full days modding.

Jobs to do.

De rivit and remove the remains of the roof.
Sand down the whole case and prep for painting
Etch prime if time
Undercoat if time (seriously doubt it, but need to chect dry times on the etch prime)

Got my new mower arriving tomorrow also so might get a bit distracted :)
new mower? :p

Nothing to do with Modding, my old ride on bit the dust so i've upgraded to a bigger one. (second hand though). great man toy. gets really adictive trying to work out how to do the lawn without covering bit's you've already mown
Nothing to do with Modding, my old ride on bit the dust so i've upgraded to a bigger one. (second hand though). great man toy. gets really adictive trying to work out how to do the lawn without covering bit's you've already mown

start in the centre and contstantly u turn so you just go in a big lawn shaped spiral? ;)
Well I didn't get as many of the jobs done that I'd planned but some is better than none.

Acrylic finally arrived.

Couldn't decide between mid grey tint and light grey tint so have got both and will see which looks best. There's going to be 5mm thick in the doors and 3mm thick in the roof. Roof will need to be cut for 4 fans so am also looking for a 114mm hole saw that is good for acrylic.

Not even unwrapping it yet as need to keep it protected.


Roof de-riveted and removed, 12 rivets in all. Also took the opportunity to straighten up a couple of the original cuts bearing in mind I still had to allow a rebate for the acrylic.




Not sure how to actually attach the acrylic yet, thinking either strong double side tape or perhaps bathroom sealant.

Any ideas???
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