In a "SARF" London Michael Caine accent.
Actually I took them of rather carefully. A total of 16 small screws and lots of pictures so I can work out how to put it back together again
Back to the plot and first an apology for leaving so long between updates. You'll be pleased to know I've stopped fannying around painting fans and finally got the Dremel out. Ooooooh i love a bit of Dremel action
So remembering the old adage of Measure once cut twice.....Hang on did I get that the right way round? Anyways we got to work on cutting out the existing window area to make way for the new window. ONE BIG WINDOW.
I've masked the Aluminium so as to minimise damage to the metal and also to give a cleaner cut. Having bought some nice fine Jigsaw blades in the end I decided to go for the old Dremel to make the cuts. I've heard the Jigsaw can make a bit of a mess of ally. So why take the risk.
That said it did take me no less than 20 discs to cut these out. Now this is 1.5mm Aluminium. or at least I thought it was as the case is so light. It didn't particularly wear the discs down so much, that wasn't the problem, They just kept snapping on me. I think the metal was heating as I was cutting and trapping the disc causing it to disintegrate. Out of the 20 I maybe only changed 3 because they'd worn down. Reminds me not to buy the cheap non HD discs next time.
I say I thought it was Aluminium, I'm starting to think it is some sort of Alloy as the dust from the cutting is ferrous. Interesting.
So the results of my 2 hours of Dremeling is 2 new door sections.
Just have to file off and tidy up the edges.