Project: Need your thoughts/ideas

Awsome job Mishima, I hope you don't mind me asking, but how much approximately did the whole project cost you?

Thanks if you can answer the question, im really tempted to get on the bay now and find me a beast.

Welldone again!!!
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gt_junkie said:
Nice oldschool rig you got there Johnny!

I loved my 3000+ XP :)


Yer its aging now but I love it, its never let me down, i thought it died a few weeks ago because it went all slow on me after I gave it a thrashing with orthos but within a couple of days it was fine again, its a bit like Herbie I suppose :D
Jonny L said:
Awsome job Mishima, I hope you don't mind me asking, but how much approximately did the whole project cost you?

Thanks if you can answer the question, im really tempted to get on the bay now and find me a beast.

Welldone again!!!
Well I used

£25 (£5 each) x5 paints inc. varnish
£4 - mesh
£10 - x2 Yate Loons
£8 - x3 Fan filters
£3 - HDD bracket
£10 - Akasa card reader

There are probably other things that I have missed out, but roughly it would cost you:


Well worth doing, I would research into the paints a bit more if I was going to do it again as I would probably prefer to use a gun next time.

Thanks a lot guys for all the nice comments, I appreciate it. :)
Took a few more pictures as I sorted out the dim Yate Loon with the expert help of w3bbo and Delvis asked for some interior pictures


his case is about the same size as mine, so it would take 2*240mm rads if you either move the bottom drive cage or use the 5inch bays with adapters ;)
mishima said:
Well I used

£25 (£5 each) x5 paints inc. varnish
£4 - mesh
£10 - x2 Yate Loons
£8 - x3 Fan filters
£3 - HDD bracket
£10 - Akasa card reader

There are probably other things that I have missed out, but roughly it would cost you:


Well worth doing, I would research into the paints a bit more if I was going to do it again as I would probably prefer to use a gun next time.

Thanks a lot guys for all the nice comments, I appreciate it. :)

Thanks for the info mishima, once again, a brilliant project. ;)
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Thanks mates :) your comments are overwelming really appreciate it.

I was hoping to post up some temperatures but I seem to be reporting Orthos errors when I load the system which is worrying me. I'm sure I will sort it soon enough.
Amazing job mate, I'm not really into things like this but for some reason your project opened my eyes a lot more. n1 dude ;)
Ok I have managed to sort out the problems I had. I can now show you the temperature improvements I am now experiencing (E6600 overclocked to 3GHz). In my old Akasa Zen I was reporting 36C idle and around 50C loaded:

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