Project:- R3s

2 Jan 2011
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hey guys, after getting an upgrade to my skelly build, I was left with my old motherboard, cpu and ram and decided that I wanted to do a htpc that I could have in my room, was silent and could do some light gaming in bed when I feel lazy.

Thus Project R3s was born :)

I'll explain the title first, then list the components. 'R3' represents the Fractal R3 arctic white that the project is centred around, the 's' stands for stealth, not stealth in the conventional sense of all matt black, but more sleek, silence.

I'm warning you now, I got bored and decided to include this duck in the first set of pics:

duck by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

on with the spec.......

i3 540
prolimatech megahalems (run passively)
msi p55a-g55
4gb of corsair xms3 1600mhz ram
zotac gtx260 216 core
wd caviar black 640gb hdd
ocz modxstream pro 500w
sony dvd drive - the only time I'll have a dvd drive in a rig
and, of course, the fractal design r3 arctic white :)

here are some pics of what I have so far (just waiting on the case and graphics card)

components by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

psu and hdd by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

this pic isn't so good but meh

megahalems by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

mobo and cpu by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

cooler fitted by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

ram by Kieran Horne, on Flickr

so far, I'm planning to:

Hopefully, wrap the case in white carbon fibre vinyl
replace the dvd drive with a bluray drive
replace the hdd with an ssd, and make a file server/get a nas
maybe replace the stock power led (red) with an orange one :)

so far, I'm not planning on watercooling, but that's not 100% ;) also if I do watercool, then that'll mean a sidepanel window :)

I hope you guys like.... :D
It's much easier to mount a cooler when the motherboard is out of the case, I have learned from experience
more a silent, gaming/movies rig :p I am also going to include putting the surround sound system and how/ where all the parts will be in my room (monitor, rig etc)

thanks :D will look even better when I get my case :D
My graphics card arrived around an hour or so ago, it's freaking massive!!! I thought it'd be about the same size as my gtx 460, it's about 2" bigger!

020 by Kieran Horne, on Flickr
not exactly a update but I want to show you guys something that I am pretty sure that I want to do with this.
So, I managed to stumble across this build log whilst looking for a pic to be the base for my sig, it looks amazing, and I think you guys may like it too :) (yes it is in german, but if your using chrome it'll translate for you :))
another instance of mass post removal

competitor mentions and multiple rule breaks.

I have said it in the other thread and will mention it in here

either the thread goes back on track and conforms to the rules. Or, I close the thread.

This is a project log that should be presenting information and progress, not chatting about competitors and how long your graphics card is.
If you want to chat. use MSN

I have had to remove 94 POSTS from this thread that do not conform to the rules.

***Project Logs Rules and Guidelines***
Project Log Section Rules

  1. Your first post must include an outline of your plans, as well as pictures of the hardware or concept sketches of your ideas. Your progress posts should include answers to questions as well as pictures of any progress.
  2. If you have finished a build but not taken any progress pictures of your work, then please post it as a build log but try and give a review of your thoughts on the case and how your build went including any shortcomings or cool features you found.
  3. Do not post threads with links to your work from other forums. If you wish to use this forum to showcase your project then please post the full project here.
  4. Picture sizing should be kept to reasonable scales. Please do not post huge pictures. There is no specific rule but try to keep in the range of 800 x 600 or lower.
  5. If your pictures disappear then the log will be removed.
  6. If you feel that a comment is unneeded or against forum rules, please use the RTM function and it will be dealt with accordingly. Remember though, if you are posting your work for public viewing then you must accept some critique.
  7. Try to update the log at least weekly, answer any questions and add any updates. If you are going to be away from the forums or putting the project on hold then please outline that this is the case. It frustrates readers when they start reading your worklog only to find out that you have decided to buy a Mac and not told anyone!
  8. Keep threads on track. Do not spam a project log with irrelevant questions or off topic posts.
I don't understand how the stuff about my case being delayed is irrelevant to the log, the only posts that I think I have posted that are against the rules are the ones that I've hinted at competitors. (obviously I can't see deleted posts though)
please. the thread was about as off topic as it gets.

this forum section has rules in place that govern the posting.

I would suggest that point 8 of the rules is re-read.

your progress posts have remained. The tracking details of an item of hardware is not a progress update.
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