yesterday when I got home from school I was greeted by this at the side of my house
009 by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
it's taken me up and till now to build it and post the pics, mainly because I was also re-doing my skelly's watercooling loop, I did have a couple problems too, but it seems to be all good now

so enjoy
021 by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
001 by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
009 (2) by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
011 by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
Xigmatek fans installed:
015 by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
018 by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
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Kieran Horne, on Flickr
the cable management is slightly different than this now, but not by much
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Kieran Horne, on Flickr
040 by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
last shot from yesterday, windows wasn't installed at that point:
046 by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
Then I ran into some problems, mainly, the 260 wasn't displaying properly, so I tried to use my 460 to see what was wrong, it wasn't working with my 460, so after a while I decided to see what clearing the cmos and moving the 260 down a slot got it working
059 by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
I thought the xigmateks were a little loud after installing windows so I decided to replace them with my orange bitfenix spectre fans and do a little more cable management, now the system is whisper quiet

here is the finished product:
htpc complete by
Kieran Horne, on Flickr
Thoughts on the case:
I love it! it's soooo sleek and gorgeous, the finish is amazing!!
there are only two slightly negative things I can say about the case, one, the rubber grommets are too flimsy, and that there are no cable tie down points nearer the back of the case.
Hope you guys like