Project Reality v1 finally here

Don't really get the hate for a lot of the newcomers, community was hardly thriving numbers wise and as far as I'm concerned more fresh meat to shoot :P

I lead squads mostly, I wouldn't say I'm a brilliant SL but normally end up one of the better performing squads on the server. It is little harder to manage right now and have to end up kicking a few people who run off to do their own thing but I'm more than happy with the numbers right now.
Based on some more game time or just what is written here? I asked because I was going to post to you to tell you to wait a week or two, because finding a good squad is proving really difficult since the patch.

When the messers go back to playing whatever, I hope PR will be the organised grind it was intended to be.

based on a bit of game time. what was really getting to me was the game mechanics and the way they were trying to bring realism to the game by simply making the controls (particularly weapons firing) 'clunky'.

now I'm still not convinced that the best way to introduce realism is to make the gun barrel jump 20 foot in the air when you fire a shot - but I get their (lets call it) theory behind it. I still think the better option is to make the bullet mechanics and spray more random if you decide to fire off a gun like your a COD loony and subsequently reduce the recoil. crazy mad recoil isn't realistic IMO.

but it is definitely growing on fact I may have to recant my previous posts and say that I'm actually liking this game (not confirmed yet though :p)

all joking aside, I've had a few games particularly last night that I really enjoyed - even though I have been solo'ing it just to see if I can get the hang of it.

I was in one game - don't ask me map name or server or anything like that! anyway I had asked a couple of questions and a few guys (I assume already in a squad or whatever) had answered and welcomed me, told me to tag along if I wanted. next thing I know they are telling me (or rather each other to get in cover) so I crouch down in a tree line and wait. long story short a jeep of a thing appears slowly coming up the road with a with a load of dudes in the back by the look of it and a few running after, the guys I'm shadowing are taking to one and other, stuff like get ready/do this/do that....that kind of stuff. course I'm crouched there heart racing waiting for them to make their move and i'll follow, when the damn truck/jeep thingy stops more or less in front of where I am - cue the 'noob' panic and I lob a grenade (something I'd decided I wasn't gonna do again as the last one I'd thrown wiped out a load of friendlies!) lo and behold the grenade plops pretty much in among the enemy dudes and mayhem ensues - the guys I'm with open fire and the enemy, or whats left run towards where I am - not firing at me so I assume they are looking for cover - so I open up on them....mad panic COD styley!! gotta say it was one of the most thrilling bits of gaming I've had in years (that said I got shot about 3 seconds later!)
Seems you had a good time, now if you was in the squad, you would have got to use specialist kits and heard squad only chat, great being part of a squad when your defending a point or about to ambush.
If any of you want to add me on steam feel free, would make it easier to find a good squad.

I'm 'muska5' on Steam.
Definitely start taking it to the next level and join a squad, if you get a good one you'll be hard pressed to hate the game again.

Same as before I now find myself playing the insurgency mode and urban maps 90% of the time unless I can get a good squad going and we all roll over to the next round. Do find the big mechanised warfare maps way too chaotic right now as not many people know how to operate most of the machinery. Some carrier maps really suffer from bad pilots as well, I can fly but that means I can't lead and effective infantry squads are slim at the moment.

As for gun mechanics they are not ideal and there is no weapon sway represented even if it is there. If you've just been sprinting and then start firing, your accuracy will be poor just like it will will improve if you're crouching and going prone. Once you get used to it then you will be a better shot and besides it's more about the position you're in than your actual shooting skills that will get you the kills and ensure your survival. Your Counter Strike reflexes will do you no good if you ended up having to fire at someone from the middle of the road.

Once you get close and personal then firing from the hip is fine and I can aim pretty well without the sights. Had a right Rambo moment on Al Basrah last night when my entire team got steam rolled defending a compound with a 2 storey building in the village. I'm the only one left so I leg it down the stairs firing from the hip like a madman killing 3 guys, run into another one with no time to reload so whip out my pistol and shoot him, back into the building where I kill another guy with the same pistol clip. See an insurgent hovering over a dead guy with his back to me so run up to him and kill him with my bare hands as both weapons need reloading, hear more movement outside so throw my last remaining grenade outside the doorway which ended up taking out 2 more guys. Thinking I have enough time for some extra magic I swap out kits with my medic to revive him but then see 2 more insurgents rush the building and kill me while I have my medic bag out!
Downloading thus currently, remember playing it in bf2 days but my comp couldn't handle it so it was a muted expirence.

I don't want to go solo in this because I know from past experiences you need to communicate and play with strategic position etc. Add me on steam Waster123
Polarised, some are little too serious Yanks who pretend it's real life but also plenty of relaxed squads around. Well over a thousand people playing right now since the release and it's a little chaotic and disorganised right now.
Polarised, some are little too serious Yanks who pretend it's real life but also plenty of relaxed squads around. Well over a thousand people playing right now since the release and it's a little chaotic and disorganised right now.

We yanks take simulation to a realism level of 100/100 :D

Anyway, I would love to form up a squad for PRv1. Our dormant AAPG clan has a TeamSpeak that isn't really being used so if a bunch of you want to form up for some tactical fun (super tactical playstyle but lighthearted) then I'm game.

My sig is my Steam profile so you can add me via that.
Now that I've had a little more practice with squad leading and others had a chance to play the game I'll try what I did before with 6 men and split the squad into two 4 man fire teams.

Mostly used for assaulting positions and covering fire when the squad needs to run across distances with little cover. Just have simple names like Alpha and Bravo and second team normally provides cover with an AR, grenadier, breacher and a medic. I just take 2 riflemen and a medic with me for Alpha which is the assault team.

That's the tactic when need to cross an open space and need cover, if we are assaulting a compound with no need for that then simply order Alpha left and Bravo on the right side of the compound. I've seen it too many times, half the team gets wiped out by a trip wire and other half is now bleeding. That way you assault from two sides and help minimise losses since the other team can finish off the enemy and revive the other.
Steam username is same as forum username if anyone wants to add me, I need a squad if anyone is accepting noobs:p
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I won't be on for 2 days but I'll add anyone who's interested, can't get enough of this at the minute and my regular groups couldn't care less!
As someone who's nervous as hell on a mic around new people, are there private lobbies for "friends" at all? I cannot see myself jumping in, shouting orders and screaming at teammates when a bogey is at 10 o'clock.

It's embarassing..
As someone who's nervous as hell on a mic around new people, are there private lobbies for "friends" at all? I cannot see myself jumping in, shouting orders and screaming at teammates when a bogey is at 10 o'clock.

It's embarassing..

Don't have to pretend like it's war and shout in your manliest possible voice at all, just a simple, "two enemies, 1 2 5" or "taking fire from North East" etc

No need to shout any orders just play as a member and most of the time you are just confirming whatever SL told you to do. Believe me this is a completely different experience with a microphone so don't miss out on it!

I'll happily lead, normally make a squad under "33rd Foot" squad name, little homage to the Duke of Wellington's Regiment and same name as here with OCUK tag.
Slightly exagerated :D There's one guy on Youtube, blue, blaze someone who gets REALLY into the orders thing.

I'll consider it, never really been into team gaming but I like Arma so I may give it a shot.
Slightly exagerated :D There's one guy on Youtube, blue, blaze someone who gets REALLY into the orders thing.

I'll consider it, never really been into team gaming but I like Arma so I may give it a shot.

You might be thinking of bluedrake. Dislike him myself, which is a shame because he has a lot of PR and Squad content but I find his personality/attitude towards other very unappealing.
Most squad leader/squad members are not like him - Most are good, helpful and can lead a squad without shouting abuse at people.

As someone who shares your nervousness for mic/speaking you will soon get used to it.
Start off by communicating just the basics (if you spot enemies for instance). You will gradually relax and start communicating more openly with your squad, at least that is what happened for me.
Enjoy the game!
Ah yes not a fan of BlueDrake chap myself, he does take it a little too seriously, cheesed me off actually in the videos I've seen him and I can see him putting off a few people but most other SLs are more relaxed. If someone is being a penile person then just leave the squad and join another.

In all fairness you have to speak very little anyway in the beginning, stick to rifleman kit to learn the gameplay and gun mechanics. If you spot an enemy and no one else is looking just inform you have enemy in that direction, unless of course they are close enough to be an immediate danger then just fire away and rest will follow.

If someone asks you to do something then a simple acknowledgement that you heard and understood is enough, but do say something as it makes it harder for the SL to do the job if you don't know if the person is even listening. If you don't know how to do something then ask, if someone is again being that penile person then it's not your fault they are carrying a whole potato on their shoulder.

Just don't be going round playing solo because you're too afraid to talk, confidence will come with time as long as you stick to the basics!
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