Project Reality v1 finally here

Well you are playing a mod from a game that as of three weeks from now will be ten years since its release, things aren't ever going to be as fluid as a modern game.

What "basics" feel wrong? The lack of any visual indicators to tell you how much health you have? How many rounds are in your gun? I'd hardly call the movement and environment rank; quite the opposite. The level design is largely well done and the movement (considering the engine it is using) is by no means bad. In my opinion the enjoyment factor does come from getting a good team going.

Perhaps its just not the game/mod for you. A heck of a lot more people aren't going to like it compared to those that do, there's no denying it. But this is a game that in some instances is the benchmark for requiring team interaction and coordination. Beats the vast majority of the "gun-ho" generation of Battlefield 3 onwards and Call of Duty for me.

hi bJN,

yea I get that the game is all but 10 years old, and for that reason I can forgive a few things. however I was playing games 10 years ago and more that didn't have the clunky feel this has.

that basics that feel wrong, well it's hard to put a definitive on it. but for one, and this is more a niggle than anything, why does the character flip his gun from side to side on reload just seems pointless and adds nothing to the game.

I also don't want to shoot 3 quick fire rounds and find my gun sight pointing up at the sky, I appreciate that is meant to add realism into the game and to stop the cod generation of run and gunners, but it simply doesn't add realism it's a cheap mechanic to that only adds frustration. I get that if I just hold down my fire button that should happen, but not 3 rapid single shot rounds. counterstrike has long had a much more gamer friendly and hold fire and your rounds spray everywhere

the lack of health or weapon rounds indicator is not even nearly an issue with me, I prefer not to have them (although some kind of visual representation of your general health is no bad thing, again I get that they are trying to add realism but IRL you would have some sort of visual indicators if you weren't in tip top condition following a fire fight, namely blood pouring from an entry wound :p)

the environment....well I'm maybe (probably definitely) being a bit harsh. I'm probably just a victim of the Purdy graphics that are thrown at modern fps to hide their usually huge flaws - so i'll recant that one

In my opinion the enjoyment factor does come from getting a good team going

I am going to have to focus on this point. now don't get me wrong PR is not unique is the issue I am going to highlight and I am by no means having a pop at you here, but this is where a lot (most) of these games fall down.

someone questions the poor gameplay and immediately those that enjoy the game cry out 'but you gotta be in a good squad to enjoy it'

that is nothing more than a smoke screen or a generic 'defense' of a gameplay limited game that I hear all to often.

to say that you must be in a squad to enjoy a game is wrong, so very very wrong. yes online gaming is about interacting with others and being part of a team, but being in a squad/team should simply enhance and further improve the gaming experience, it should never be the defining attribute of a shooter. if you have to be in a squad/team to get enjoyment out of a game then you really need to look closely at said game. the game is not what is bringing the fun or entertainment it is the interaction you are getting with your squad (friends!)

and to be honest I feel a lot of the game developers out there have twigged on to that, they know they can bring out another random generic shooter, but they brand it all about being part of a squad/team working together and while as I have already said there is nothing wrong with that (hell it should be a part of any fps), a good game must be able to stand up on its own. it shouldn't rely on me having to bring a group of friends together before I can have some fun.
It's not a very enjoyable experience without a good squad at all and it is nothing like Counter Strike, COD and Battlefield which is what attracts a lot of people as it adopts a much more realistic approach with some arcade elements to make it more enjoyable.

Once again can't stress enough that it is all about cooperation, there are over a dozen kits available which aren't for show with most having a speciality to cover whatever task the squad is trying to achieve. Microphone is very important in this game and right now there are a lot of new people including myself so things are a little chaotic.

As for the game itself as said above you need to bear in mind that it is still a modification and it's based on BF2 which is almost 10 years old now so it shows its age a lot in some places and you can't change a lot of those things.

I play with the same tag on there and will be leading in squads once I get the hang of all the changes so feel free to join. Maybe we should get an OCUK tag going.
If you are of the BF3/BF4 generation then you are going to probably hate anything this old. I however am from the BF 1942/BF2/BF2142 generation and have tried the new generation of BF3/4 and absolutely hate it. Battlefield for me died when they dropped AI multiplayer games. Back then when the term "bot" was used to described the AI enemies and not the ones now who are used by people who cant be bothered to level up themselves.

Fond memories of AI Bots dancing in mid air or getting stuck in vehicles. Or a hoard of 64 AI bots charging at you and then running right past you. Creating maps and AI routes on otherwise player only maps etc etc. Ah them were the non-polished days the like of which we will never see again.....

oh I'm from way back in the day too dude. I certainly aint part of the COD generation. I simply noted those games along with others to show that I had a wide ranging love of the genre.

but you've hit the nail on the head with something you said. you could have had fun on those games purely on your own having a blast with the crazy AI, or just getting pumped online by other 'lone wolf' players. good luck trying that with the likes of PR and by the looks of it the upcoming 'sequel' Squad.
Yea its not really a solo game, its dam frustrating if you fight others who are all being supplied and supported by their team. It really is a hard game, not even close to csgo or modern bf

clunky awful mess
a lot of the movement is slowed down deliberately, they dont want you to jump off the ground and spray off a rifle perfectly. In fact, its awkward on purpose devs are gits like that :p

In some ways its even more extreme then arma, because you can game your way through that. Play with a heli and the minigun on side and who needs anything else, everyone dives for the awesome guns at the start but yea this game has forced the single soldier to really suck in the main.
Take my word for it that its in a good cause, pr can be amazing.
Its ten years old for a good reason as well, I played the 0.1 version and these guys wont compromise to make it 'nice' :( :p
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Yea its not really a solo game, its dam frustrating if you fight others who are all being supplied and supported by their team. It really is a hard game, not even close to csgo or modern bf

a lot of the movement is slowed down deliberately, they dont want you to jump off the ground and spray off a rifle perfectly. In fact, its awkward on purpose devs are gits like that :p

In some ways its even more extreme then arma, because you can game your way through that just. Play with a heli and the minigun on side and who needs anything else, everyone dives for the awesome guns at the start but yea this game has forced the single soldier to really suck in the main.
Take my word for it that its in a good cause, pr can be amazing.
Its ten years old for a good reason as well, I played the 0.1 version and these guys wont compromise to make it 'nice' :( :p

sorry, I 'm probably not putting my point across properly. firstly I understand it's not a CS, BF or COD game and secondly I get that it is not a 'solo' game

a lot of the movement is slowed down deliberately, they dont want you to jump off the ground and spray off a rifle perfectly.
but you don't have to have slow clunky movement to achieve that.
it's this style of 'realistic' gameplay I have the issue with, that and the feeling that a lot of folks are being brainwashed almost into believing they are playing a good game on the grounds they have to play it with their mates.
I also get that it's not a solo game. but why can a game not have a degree of fun if you are on your own, and by on your own I don't literally mean a lone wolf running round a'la COD
I like a game that challenges me, I like a game that improves on itself and the enjoyment I get from it if I make the effort to work as a team.
but this does none of the above. it forces you down a gameplay path, one very specific gameplay path and it does it in a very poorly executed format.

you can't say that a game is a good game because the devs have intentionally borked the control and movement system to make it more difficult, that's just ridiculous.
that's like a car manufacturer intentionally selling a car with 2 of it's wheel buckled because it will make you appreciate and focus your driving better.
what you've actually highlighted is a lazy, broken way to make a game more challenging and the sad thing is people are buying into it.

final quick thoughts on this....

I would bet you a pretty penny if EA realised this game, instead of a bunch of modders it would get ripped to shreds. I'd also bet if EA were releasing Squad and it comes out as I expect (PR1 reskinned) it would get torn a new one also. but we've been feed this/brainwashed into thinking because this is a mod, made by gamers for gamers it must be good and we cannot think otherwise.

i'll gracefully bow out, as I can't see that anyone will ever convince me that this is anything other than a case of mass gaming brainwash and I don't want to bog down the thread for the guys that enjoy it. I just feel sad that the gaming community just seem to be getting conned from all directions and we suck it up and make excuses and defend poor games, whether those are from the big dev studios and the smaller ones - it's still the same :(
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aww man you did the one line press enter for a paragraph. Can't read it like that m8 :( This game is amazing though IF you can find a good squad, if not just play BF2.
aww man you did the one line press enter for a paragraph. Can't read it like that m8 :( This game is amazing though IF you can find a good squad, if not just play BF2.

oops, dunno why I always end up typing my posts like that....have amended :p

but it's not the game that's amazing if you have to find a good squad - it's the social interaction that's making it seem/feel good. chuck any turd of a game together but add an element of I don't know what you want to call it ...lets say 'social working togethery-ness and it will have an appeal....doesn't make it a good game.

and I said in my last post I was bowing out...definitely am now :p
oops, dunno why I always end up typing my posts like that....have amended :p

but it's not the game that's amazing if you have to find a good squad - it's the social interaction that's making it seem/feel good. chuck any turd of a game together but add an element of I don't know what you want to call it ...lets say 'social working togethery-ness and it will have an appeal....doesn't make it a good game.

and I said in my last post I was bowing out...definitely am now :p

Yeah that makes sense, it is the interaction.
oops, dunno why I always end up typing my posts like that....have amended :p

but it's not the game that's amazing if you have to find a good squad - it's the social interaction that's making it seem/feel good. chuck any turd of a game together but add an element of I don't know what you want to call it ...lets say 'social working togethery-ness and it will have an appeal....doesn't make it a good game.

and I said in my last post I was bowing out...definitely am now :p

This game requires two things to make it enjoyable in my opinion.....a good squad, and the willingness to roll play.

Being a soldier irl isn't all combat as I'm sure you know; much is about logistics, engineering, labouring. This game requires its players to do just that to work how it's intended.

It also has an element of strategy gameplay for the commander and squad leaders...deciding where to put troops on the map in the early stages for example.

From my own experiences, I've never played a better game. I've played rolls like gathering intel on enemy positions and likely intended destinations of the enemy, then telling the guys on the mortars to lay shells on that area. Not a single shot fired, but a win for the team and all that. I've also played as a counter-sniper to stop the enemy sniper tallying up his kill count in crucial areas. I've played many times as the LMG guy laying suppressive fire down so the assault guys have an easier time. I've never done logistics as I'm not a good pilot, but some of those guys that do nothing else but fly, are fantastic to watch.

It really does seem to me that this game encompasses more of the stuff that is required in real conflicts, than any other game I know of. Sadly though, it requires most of the players to be prepared to role play to make it work. Graphics and engine aside, if you see it as a hybrid FPS, strategy game, requiring military fantasists to operate as the pawns, then you'll appreciate it a little more.
I realised my post in response to you last night wasn't exactly helpful Kwango, so sorry, I was tired. I'll try to be a bit more useful and insightful to your response!

sorry, I 'm probably not putting my point across properly. firstly I understand it's not a CS, BF or COD game and secondly I get that it is not a 'solo' game
Firstly, I would take the stance of not comparing this to any other game available on the public market. If it were to be compared to anything, I'd suggest the Real Virtuality engine-driven products such as VBS (Virtual Battlespace Systems) made by Bohemia. These are not games, they are simulators used by military forces around the world. Now Project Reality is never going to match the quality that these systems have, but what it aims to do is bring that feel of "reality" to the public domain to allow gamers a chance to experience it. Project Reality is not a game and should not be considered one. It is not designed to be easy. It is not designed with "fun" as a forethought - it's down to the playerbase to enjoy themselves whilst playing it.

But you don't have to have slow clunky movement to achieve that.
it's this style of 'realistic' gameplay I have the issue with
I get where you're coming from with this, and in part I agree with you because I get quite annoyed with the clunkiness at times. However, this is something that was added very early-days in the development of PR to drag it away from the movement systems used by most mainstream shooters. It doesn't want you to be running around willy-nilly without any repercussions. The slowness of the movement is not that far out of line with reality when you are carrying a full patrol kit - you certainly will not be moving fast when moving around a town, you aren't ever going to be able to sprint anything faster than a lame dog, and you certainly aren't going to be able to jump high, far, or often with the weight of the kit you would be carrying. The "weight" that this is simulating is designed to make you really consider you movements - can you make it across this clearing before being bogged down by suppressive fire? Is it worth sprinting through friendly lines when unknown territory is right around the corner?

that and the feeling that a lot of folks are being brainwashed almost into believing they are playing a good game on the grounds they have to play it with their mates.
With the following that PR has and the dedication of its fans, a lot of people you talk to in the community will come across as die-hard fanboys, I will not argue that point. But a lot of these players have been following the mod for many years and have stuck with it through the good times and the bad times. The entire PR playerbase is one big community and they look out for each other because they care (possibly a little bit too much) about the development and direction it is going in. The game can be enjoyable by yourself, but you have to find a play-style or approach that you want to do. This will never be to the tune of joining a game, picking up a machine gun and sitting on top of a hill mowing down wave upon wave of enemy forces, because that would never happen in real life.

I also get that it's not a solo game. but why can a game not have a degree of fun if you are on your own, and by on your own I don't literally mean a lone wolf running round a'la COD I like a game that challenges me, I like a game that improves on itself and the enjoyment I get from it if I make the effort to work as a team. but this does none of the above. it forces you down a gameplay path, one very specific gameplay path and it does it in a very poorly executed format.
Following on the above, lonewolfing is simply not a done thing. In a real combat situation you would not have one soldier running out of a base, into the horizon going gun-ho. As I talked about in the Squad thread, having a good reaction time and great aim will not get you far in this game if you play as an individual. All it takes is for one shooter to keep you suppressed whilst another flanks and around and deals with you. No amount of aim can prevent that from happening. This is how it promotes / encourages teamwork, albeit rather forcibly. You say it forces you down a game path and that you don't like that. If that is your view on it then I genuinely don't believe there is anything I can explain or say to you that will change that viewpoint. Yes, the game's play-style is very focussed and linear in that it needs to be played a certain way; but that is because, as mentioned earlier, this is not a game for an individual. This is a game for a team. No one thing that you accomplish yourself will win or lose a match (with the exception of losing heavy assets on stacked maps). As an infantryman, you are quite literally meat for the grinder. The enjoyment you glean from that is down to you. Personally, I love leading a squad that uses good communication through towns on Insurgency maps. I love setting up buddy partners so that every man has someone to look out for. I love working with our Commander and other squads to work towards a common goal. The sense of achievement you get from it when a tactic or big manoeuvre works is unrivalled in my opinion.

you can't say that a game is a good game because the devs have intentionally borked the control and movement system to make it more difficult, that's just ridiculous.
that's like a car manufacturer intentionally selling a car with 2 of it's wheel buckled because it will make you appreciate and focus your driving better.
what you've actually highlighted is a lazy, broken way to make a game more challenging and the sad thing is people are buying into it.
I kind of hinted towards this above but I'll expand here. The controls aren't broken. They appear clunky, but you need to bear in mind that the controls system was added intentionally. In short, it gets rid of a lot of the run-and-gun mentality that other games have brought in to shooters (I'm looking at you Call of Duty). The other side to it is that the development team have had to work with a very old engine. I've said it before but it really is something that is important to remember. They have near-enough rewritten 80% of the game-code from Battlefield 2. That is no small task, especially when the source code was never released. They have built this mod from the ground up, starting with nothing. They can't make the game they want on the engine, but they've done their damned hardest to replicate what they want to do. Those of the developers that are keen to take it further have moved on to Squad. This was a path that has been discussed for years, and for them to finally do it is, in my eyes, fantastic news and the right decision.

I would bet you a pretty penny if EA realised this game, instead of a bunch of modders it would get ripped to shreds. I'd also bet if EA were releasing Squad and it comes out as I expect (PR1 reskinned) it would get torn a new one also. but we've been feed this/brainwashed into thinking because this is a mod, made by gamers for gamers it must be good and we cannot think otherwise.
If EA released any game it will get slated no matter what. I subscribe to that view point too; they are a despicable company that have no interest in making or publishing games, they are solely in it for the money. Squad will be PR reskinned; but it will also add much more freedom for the developers to do as they wish. The Unreal engine is so incredibly versatile they will be able to craft the game exactly how they wish down to every single detail. It will be a long development road but with the additional funding they will be getting via Kickstarter, it should help speed things up. I would implore you to not disregard Squad because of your preconceptions of it as a result of Project Reality as there will be some major differences between the two. That being said, the fundamentals of the two will be near identical. With the large number of YouTubers and Streamers being involved with Squad, I'm very sceptical that it will stick to its Project Reality roots and be dumbed down to aid the masses; however we have Melbo there to keep them in toe and ensure this doesn't happen!

i'll gracefully bow out, as I can't see that anyone will ever convince me that this is anything other than a case of mass gaming brainwash and I don't want to bog down the thread for the guys that enjoy it. I just feel sad that the gaming community just seem to be getting conned from all directions and we suck it up and make excuses and defend poor games, whether those are from the big dev studios and the smaller ones - it's still the same :(
Massive kudos to you for being civil, it's a rarity on these forums by-and-large. I obviously can't speak the entire community that plays PR, but in my mind there isn't any brainwashing going on. The community has stuck to the mod because they agree with what has been developed and included, not because it has been forced upon them. The developers are very active within the community and listen to a lot feedback via their forums and from the larger gaming communities as a whole. If changes to the game are made and they aren't warmly received by the playerbase, they do their utmost to mitigate those changes or even remove them as has happened in the past.

By all means I'd understand if you uninstalled and didn't want to play the game again, it has a very niche appeal. Heck, I'd even say it's an easily-accessible version of the way ArmA should be played. But if you do want to give it another try, keep an eye out for me. I'll usually be on either the PRTA-EU or American servers with the name Benneh. Give me a shout if you see me and I'll do my best to get you involved to try and see it from eyes. :)

There's also a lot more stuff I wanted include above, but I'm incredibly hungry and still half asleep. To summarise: it's the real definition of a team game.
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PR is great, i been playing fps since 15 years, i have all the Arma games, and still play PR the most, you deffo need a good squad thou, sometimes i play a few hours without even firing off a shot, some players might not like that thou ;) oh, and your find that a lot of people that say they dont like PR or think it is rubbish, is because its just to hard for them, you got to put your time into this game.
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I played for the first time in a few months last night, and it was a complete cluster. From past experience after a major update/publicity spike, it takes a few days to shake off the chaff that's inevitably playing COD style.

Can't wait for a good session with a good squad leader, so if your offer is open to others, Benneh, let me know.
I played for the first time in a few months last night, and it was a complete cluster. From past experience after a major update/publicity spike, it takes a few days to shake off the chaff that's inevitably playing COD style.

Can't wait for a good session with a good squad leader, so if your offer is open to others, Benneh, let me know.

Of course it is! I'm always up for english-speaking compadrés! There's only so much Russian a man can put up with! :D
It's the players that make project reality, it was amazing. I only wish the players were the same for arma 3 and people were forced into groups/roles. Project reality is truly the closest i've had to a military simulator just because of the players and how you have to work as a team in order to survive.
you can't say that a game is a good game because the devs have intentionally borked the control and movement system to make it more difficult, that's just ridiculous.
that's like a car manufacturer intentionally selling a car with 2 of it's wheel buckled because it will make you appreciate and focus your driving better.
what you've actually highlighted is a lazy, broken way to make a game more challenging and the sad thing is people are buying into it.

Theres a rocket system in the game with an explosion radius the size of a basketball court.
It would be bonkers if EA released a game with this and made it happy go friendly to spam off continually every few seconds. In PR they made the animation to setup this weapon more then 30 seconds I believe, this is more then fair as this is a weapon system with liquid nitrogen cooling and in desert areas takes a long time to reach its correct running temperature for guidance systems, etc. Also it weighs over 50 kilos.
Its not just because, its partly because thats really how clunky a weapon might be and its also tactical balance. Quake is more fun but this is trying to force tactics that relate to a real battle and some of that is time. If this guy fires at a tank, he has to avoid thermal imaging and large amounts of zoom, with this delay its hard to get a good angle out of sight on a tank, etc Then he might be shot in the back by infantry, etc

Remember the sniper kit on bf2 and EA changed it so the tripwire mine was really easy to drop, that made the game horrible to play and just spammy, glitchy pointless. Theres I think 1 or 2 sniper kits in a pr game but also he can laser designate targets for air strikes which I think makes low numbers correct
Anyone else has trouble playing tonight? Takes a very long time to load an account and game and failing to show up servers as well, already tried reinstalling it.
Bit late now, but I wasn't having any issues with it last night. Some servers refused to show up on the server browser for a while but that was it. Could just be down to high load as a result of the new patch and influx of players?
It's also great when you are in a useless squad on an unconventional team and amuse yourself. I ended up with an automatic rifleman kit as a Syrian Rebel on Sbeneh Outskirts. Joined the match with ~100 tickets left on our side (getting steamrolled I might add!) and ended up finishing 14 kills toa single death. Managed a fantastic ambush on a MEC transport truck fully laden. Hidden in a bush and it stops about 20m down the road from me. Unload the RPK clip into the back with bodies falling over everywhere! :D
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