Project: Restore

UPDATE 31/07/2011

Day 2 of update central and a lot has been done. I've spent about three hours today spraying and sanding the case and I'm pretty happy with it so far, anyway picture time.

Firstly let me start by saying I accidentally missed out some parts of the case that needed spraying such as the hard drive bay and the rear case port covers.

So I primed them including some touch up's on a older panel.

Then I wet sanded the drips off the panel and rails that I sprayed yesterday.
(Warning this image may burn your eyes)

This still needs to be resprayed but I'll explain that later.

I also sprayed the bar's and they all came out really well apart from one that has a few drips check it!


Lastly I went ape **** spraying the rest of my case before "The storm" came.





The only reason I didnt carry on was the sky was getting pretty cloudy and the air was hot even though there was no sun, for me that mean's only one thing. "POTENTIAL STORM BREWING"


So I put everything away just in case the heaven's opened. I should finish everything else off tomorrow there's just 2 more panel's that haven't yet been sprayed and there are a few drips and bubbles I'd like to sound out before getting to the rivet stage. :D

Stay Tuned

P.S I would still like your opinion regarding case colour check out my previous post for some concept design's personally I'm swinging more towards black and white.

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Black and orange or black and white :)

I'm planning on spraying my case soon. Do you just spray it, sand it down, spray then keep repeating? Advice greatly appreciated
Black and orange or black and white :)

I'm planning on spraying my case soon. Do you just spray it, sand it down, spray then keep repeating? Advice greatly appreciated

Here are three modding guide's I've been looking through

I don't follow them 100% but I used bit's of information from each. :P
Black and orange looks awesome, black and white as a second choice. Plain black would resemble something that anyone could buy, you've made the effort to do this so something different that looks good shows this.
UPDATE: 1/08/2011

UPDATE CENTRAL DAY 3 Has been cancelled :/

It's rained twice today already and I don't want to risk it.
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you decided the colour scheme yet?

I'm very torn at the moment full black is definitely off the table it's between orange or white. The only problem is this...

Orange would look nicer but the hardware im putting in this case for the first 6 month's will be my second computer which is just a basic dual core and 8800GTX nothing fancy. The reason behind this is because I am currently just putting together a new colour scheme and water cooling set-up in the my 800D. So if I go for white I can use my fan's that will soon be removed from my 800D "Enermax appolish and cluster" which will be a huge money saver.

Otherwise if I go for the orange which in my opinion would look a lot nicer it would mean having to buy new fan's and eventually when I move my main computer into it not only new fan's but tubing, coolant and cable braid. Were talking like £100. :/

But honestly I really cant decide just yet. Although I have bought some plastic primer, gloss black for when it comes to do my side panel's and I've also invested in some clear coat, I hear it's decent for scratch protection.

I like black and black. I've always been a fan of classy discrete cases though. The orange/black is more original since I think most people would go for the black/black or the white/black.

If it helps, it's v.sunny where I am atm (Florida) :P
Update: 2/08/2011

So I barely did anything today for two reason's one it didn't stop raining until 5:30pm and because spraying has gone horrible for me today. Good new's is I do believe I will go with the black and orange for the final design I'm like 90% sure.

So I sprayed three panel's today the last two that needed spraying and one that I wet sanded and retouched.

"Dem Stencil's"

I also started using my paint can top's to hold up my panel's as bit's of the cardboard were getting stuck in the paint.


There the only picture's I took as I'm pretty peeved that the panel I wet sanded the drips off when it came to respraying it I did it flat so it wouldn't run yet the paint still ran so I have to wait for it to dry and sand it again now. :/

Not to mention all my panel's seem to have some sort of paint defect on them such as small blob's. So I'm going to have to watch a few tutorials on how to paint as I must be doing something wrong. I first just continually sprayed until the full panel was completely covered. Then I realised if I did short 1 second bursts I didn't get as many defects. But doing these short burst's means that the nozzles clog up pretty fast meaning when I spray a second coat it spits blob's of paint out. :/

Seems I cant get that perfect finish. Also I sent off for more primer and some clear coat so until I can figure out how to get a good finish I wont be updating for a few days.

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update: 5/8/2011


The sun is shining and today is a day for sanding re-spraying and slapping on some lovely clear coat ^_______^

It does take some practise and patience I'm sure you will get the standard eventually. Short bursts of the spray can is the key starting off panel then a sweep across and finger off the button, rinse and repeat :)
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