UPDATE 31/07/2011
Day 2 of update central and a lot has been done. I've spent about three hours today spraying and sanding the case and I'm pretty happy with it so far, anyway picture time.
Firstly let me start by saying I accidentally missed out some parts of the case that needed spraying such as the hard drive bay and the rear case port covers.
So I primed them including some touch up's on a older panel.
Then I wet sanded the drips off the panel and rails that I sprayed yesterday.
(Warning this image may burn your eyes)
This still needs to be resprayed but I'll explain that later.
I also sprayed the bar's and they all came out really well apart from one that has a few drips check it!
Lastly I went ape **** spraying the rest of my case before "The storm" came.
The only reason I didnt carry on was the sky was getting pretty cloudy and the air was hot even though there was no sun, for me that mean's only one thing. "POTENTIAL STORM BREWING"
So I put everything away just in case the heaven's opened. I should finish everything else off tomorrow there's just 2 more panel's that haven't yet been sprayed and there are a few drips and bubbles I'd like to sound out before getting to the rivet stage.
Stay Tuned
P.S I would still like your opinion regarding case colour check out my previous post for some concept design's personally I'm swinging more towards black and white.