Project: Restore


I've sanded over half my panel's and started retouching the rough parts and it's going fantastic. The only problem is it looks like I'm going to have to re-coat the entire panel as you can see noticeable differences in shine and feel between the touch up's and the standard coat.

Secondly It's been thundering since 6am this morning and raining really hard, hopefully the sun will be out this afternoon so I can finish the painting and start riveting the case back together. =]
Big Update Tomorrow!

So this last week and odd my town has had horrible weather. Not to mention I've been relatively busy. Everything is now fully sprayed apart from the rivets which I'll be doing tomorrow as it has just started to rain. As far as clear coating goes I've noticed just how thin/fine the spray is which means when spraying outside it is extremely volatile to being blown around by the wind. This means I've had to do 3 to 4 coats just to get a even amount on a panel. At that rate I would be spending more cash having to buy extra can's so I've decided to preserve it for the side panels and the outer shell of the case, something that could really take damage rather than the guts.

Anyway I haven't got any pictures for you, as it was just sanding and respraying. All the panels have had 2-3 coats and are looking great. I feel like a bit of a perfectionist as I have probably racked up 3 hours alone over this past week sanding bit's. Anyway I'm very happy with the result to say the least considering it is only tin's of spray paint. Again as for finished pictures if everything goes to plan i.e. the weather being great I can spray the rivets and hopefully by tomorrow night have put the case back together so stay tuned.

UPDATE: 19/08/2011

So it's been a while since I last did a major update this is basically because I didn't see the point in uploading pictures in which you wouldn't be able to tell too much difference from before it was resprayed and after this is down to me using the camera on my phone.

Anyway I decided to go with the orange and the only place I could find some orange paint was at halfords. So I set off and bought some about 2days ago. I cant honestly say I've gotten to the stage of using it yet nor have I used it before so I only bought one can. Anyway I dont officially have a picture of it so here's one I snagged from the interwebs.


Before we start I'll have to appologise for the pictures I hate shooting without natural light anyway here's the results after sanding enjoy.

This tack cloth used to be white, I used it to remove old paint after sanding.







Then it was time for riveting.


I borrowed the rivet gun and was give some spare rivets (about 20) they were originally silver so I gave them a quick spray.



And here is the last picture I'll leave you with.

The reason I leave you with this picture and no more is basically my phone is low on battery at the moment so I cant really get any snaps. I haven't finished riveting the case yet I still have the top panel to put on although I do have the motherboard tray and the from drive bay panel's attached. I ran out of rivets and hope to buy some tomorrow. I'm not entirely sure who sell them but I'm presuming I can pick some up from BnQ. As for tomorrow I will be sanding down the plastic panels and possible my side panels depending on how long it takes. (get's a bit boring and messy after about an hour or two of sanding).

Stay tuned I'll try to keep updating more often.


UPDATE: 20/08/2011 PART 1

Just off out to get some rivets as for now I thought I'd just slot the top on and take some photo's.



UPDATE: 21/08/2011

Well it's really starting to come together now and I have to say I'm loving the fact I went along with Orange and black. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to go orange I think it will look a whole lot better than just plain black.

Anyway to business as far as riveting goes I've made a huge mistake and am going to have to re-rivet the rear panel, and the top panel just so one of the drive bay panels will fit correctly. As at the moment It bends at the top which may mean I cant fit a optical drive. Not to worry as tomorrow I will yet again be buying more rivets and sorting this out.

Anyway time for the big reveal I started spraying orange and I'm loving it I shall be buying more tomorrow now that I am happy with the way it's turning out.










And here's a taste of how it will compare when it's complete.


Keep reading em and I'll keep making em ;)

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Really coming along now mate. I'm really impressed with the finish you've been able to get with spraypaint. I'm sorry if you've already said, but will you be water cooling the rig?
Really coming along now mate. I'm really impressed with the finish you've been able to get with spraypaint. I'm sorry if you've already said, but will you be water cooling the rig?

I have two rigs One I use all the time and will be taking uni this has a dual loop and a 800D. My seconds rig is standard air cooled mainly because I don't use it enough I once water cooled it but realised it was too much hassle considering I hardly ever used it. This second computer I like to call "LAN COMMY" is primarily used for when I come back from uni on breaks and used for when friends come around or if the main computer breaks.

When the Cosmos S is complete I will be using it for LAN commy for the next eight month's then I may move my main computer into it at which this point it will have a dual loop system. :P

Sorry for long reply xD
Update: 23/08/2011

So today's been a bit of a bust mainly because the orange paint I'm using comes in small quantities and is quite expensive. I've been doing some touch ups on the orange "side skirts" of the case along with spraying the opposing sides.

Anyway I started spaying the top part.

But I made a slight mistake I should have gone to town on the masking tape, aw well least I have some gloss black left over.


Although the rest came out nice enough :P



Anyway now I could do with some help with two things actually. Firstly I'll start with this is really just a "restore" modification although using the orange and going black inside it might as well be a normal case mod. Anyway I'm not sure if to stick with the original brushed aluminium for the side panels or if to just respray it gloss black. Would much appreciate some feedback. ^___^

Here's what they look like at the moment.


The second task which if you can be bothered :P

I need more orange paint It has to be the paint I post in the picture below. The only problem is my local halfords has sold out and it doesn't look like they'll be getting any more any time soon. So I would much appreciate if anyone know's where I can buy this from online as I'm having trouble locating a trust wordy site with a good price that sells it.

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