Project "Simples" TJ07

Did you ask for distilled or purified?


I get mines from LLoyds the chemists too but they only seem to be able to supply purified water.
Although so far ive not had any problems using it inconjuction with the correct amount of PT-Nuke.

As above, I ordered distilled and thats what I got (I think). Iirc there were no stickers or anything on the containers I got but I've never had a problem with it. If I'm in a rush then I will use di-ionised, again with no problems encountered.
It feels amazing to touch too.

Wow, steady on there. We all like computers but you've got to draw the line somewhere! ;)

This is looking good and I'm looking forward to the "more serious build" that I might know a bit about. :)
Nice choice of cases Biffa. :) The reason everyon'e got a TJ07 if they look amazing.

Tricky to see from those pics... how are you finding the NZXT and Phobya pre-braided cables? Or is it just NZXT? Seem like a convenient solution... Do the colours still show through the black? Either of the two better quality?
Find them pretty good equally, probablyt the NZXT nudges it in terms of density of weave but nothing glaringly obvious to someone like me. I self braided one PSU in the past and just the thought of doing another 24pin cable ... well I'll leave that to younger men with more time on their hands :D

Another update tonight, thats the last conference call before beer! Bloody americans :P
So anyone who's seen a TJ07 build knows that there are a few small shortcomings with the case that may require a bit of cutting to overcome. Now I started off trying to minimise the amount of cutting I did to the case but one thing that was really apparent was that you need some access holes cut for cabling behind the motherboard tray. I only wanted to do one cut so chose to make it largish and positioned where it would do the most good. Unfortunately I forgot to do it before starting to put everything together so had to jury rig some "protection" during the operation.

Heres where I want to cut

Bit of a close up

And heres the protective high tech sheeting I used to prevent dust and particles of metal getting onto the delicate parts :p

So out with the hacksaw and dremel, then I put some black trim on it to finish it off. Final result:

I also didn't get the blanking grill for the dual PSU plate and as I was only using one PSU I sorted needed something to keep the critters from crawling into my nice warm case during the upcoming winter months. So off to get some Aluminium mesh from the local hardware store, I quick measure and cut (Surprisingly cut it with a stanley knife!) and voila:


Now to do some tubing layout and on to a leak test!
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Sorting out the loop route wasn't hard, I sorta did it in my head, the only 90° fitting is on the top of the res, so hopefully not too much restriction caused there.

Loop & cable route testing:

Decided on getting replacement SATA cables, yellow just isn't right! Oh and ordered braided extensions for the VGA power cables while I was at it :)

Gratuitous closeup shots of shiny bits :D

EK Nickel 460 block

Pump/res in situ, Silver Killcoil already in so I don't forget it :)

Aint she purdey? :p

OK leak testing time!

Fill her up and jump start that PSU and see what we have got.

Lookin good, no leaks, so far.. :eek:

In here was where I was most worried, where the tubing connects the two radiators:

Lots of bubbles, and the pump was as noisy as *%£)*%! Left it for a few hours and it all settled down to silence...

Next update in a few days... and its a doozy! .. you know I said I didn't want to hack the case up too much? Well...... :p
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everyone does that cut in the T07, you think they would have thought about it when designing it.

Oh and it looks great :)
Thanks everyone for the comments.

Looking food :)

I really like the blue tubing that you have.

I don't think I'm that hungry :p But yeah the tubing is pretty neat.

Looks so nice and tidy :)

I am used to a bit of mayhem in mine really should sort mine out :(

Heh, somehow I'm not surprised :)

everyone does that cut in the T07, you think they would have thought about it when designing it.

Oh and it looks great :)

I know, but then where would be the fun in that! There are a couple of things I didn't do that I normally do in cases like this, and thats cut a couple of holes in the mobo tray. May still do that as its not too much pain to decouple everything from the mobo, pull it out and cut a couple of holes. But I don't think it looks too bad atm.
So... on with the show :D

OK, so remember, those of you who bother to read project logs :p, how I said I wanted to minimise the cutting of this lovely case?

Well I sort of lied. Sorry! Sorry anyone who doesn't like it when people butcher nice cases, but COME ON, you saw what I did to my CM201 and I nearly got keyboard crucified for that one! :D

So what was the evil plan? Right, well I did something strange, I never do bling too much really, sort of a more, neat and functional sort of builder. So I'm not too sure what came over me when I drew this: :eek:


Sorry about the overclocking notes at the bottom, I was doing too many things at once that day :)

Basically I loved the look of my loop so much I thought I'd just keep stopping through the day and opening up the side of the case just to look at it, and that would be inconvenient... soo.. arrghbuggerit.. ok it was the bling and the scary prospect of maybe doing a good job that got me going on this, whats the worst thing that could happen? HAHA

I wanted to shape the window to sympathetically follow the side panel contour with the rounded corners in the front, it had to cover all the messy bits but be big enough to see all the cool bits. So I read up on it, made some notes, bought all the bits (I'd had the perspex lying around for years just chickening out from doing it on earlier builds), girded my loins and went for it! :cool:

Here we go.

Masking tape on the front and back of the panel to let me draw the shape to cut and prevent power tools from slipping:

Double checking the design will not interfere with anything on the back of the panel.

Transfer the design from paper to the masking tape.

Drill two pilot holes on opposite corners.

I'm going to use a jigsaw with a metal cutting blade, because for me its faster, cleaner and more manly than a dremel :D
and a few minutes later we have this:

Following the advise of a Welshman called Tom I cut up to about 1.5-2mm from the line I drew, remove the cutout, a few extra trims to get into the corners a bit more and we are ready for the next stage.
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Which is... filing! Yay! Now a bit of background, my wife is a trained jeweler and has everything you would ever need to work with metal, one of which is a great set of metal files of all shapes and sizes :D

Flat file for the.. er.. flat bits :)

Half round for the curves again not going right up to the line, just a hair off the line, makes it much easier to keep your filed edge parallel to the line you drew around 0.25mm close.

This is the finish after the filing is all done, it definitely needs sanding.

Weapons of choice

Now, some ppl advocate sanding and polising the edge up to a mirror shine or at least close to, but the TJ07 has a satin finish and I wanted to emulate that, so I stuck with 400grit and it feels about right.

Cut the acrylic with a stanley knife and snapped on the table edge (doh no pics) and decided on double sided tape to affix the acrylic window.

The finished article!

In situ:

OK, so stand by for the next update is gonna be completed rig with lighting, lots of gratuitous bling shots, money shots and some after dark action! :D
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Other things of note:

1. Stealthed BD drive in top bay (got the trick off the original owner)
2. Removed one of the drive bays, and removed the fugly front off the other and replaced with filtered Lian Li bay covers


:D sort of mis-quoted but I don't care, It's looking nice with a window how a case with such nice internals should be shown off to the world :)

Cheers! :D
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