Project "Simples" TJ07

Very nice build Biffa

That window cut is a thing of beauty, usually you see people get them neat by using dremels and rubber edging, it's nice to see it done this way, proper workmanship.
Lol, I still have this setup, have kept upgrading the hardware but kept the loop and Rads pretty much the same.

Max its had was a 2990WX and 2080Ti in the loop :eek:

Just about to put in a 5950x and either a 3080 or 6800Xt whichever comes soonest.

Thanks, moved all the pics to postimg from photobucket who want an arm and a leg for hosting.
I'm just getting back into PC building/gaming and finding my feet again in all the new names. Just saw TJ07 and thought "surely people aren't still using those" only to see its a 14 year old post :cry:

It is a beautiful case, I always wanted one back in the day but just couldn't justify it at the time.
Twas the case to have for water-cooling back in the day.

I remember the green water from cooler master. Leaked all over my gtx 480 there was steam coming of it hahahaha. Nearly cried because I thought it was broken. Turned out ok after a clean :D
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