Have'nt looked in on this build in ages, Its looking amazing

Cheers Greavesy.
Man, I love scratch builds that really come together towards the end.
Thanks Roller

those clamp bars are absolutley amazing, flawless!!!

Cheers VOoDOo other than the fact I forgot to add cable pass through holes/slots on the wire side but I got straight onto that & they are sorted now

Loving this even more with the acrylics for the fans!
Is this case quite heavy or is it light?
Got to hand it to you for such an amazing build mate! Truly epic!
The case is ok to carry with 1 arm but when it's loaded with everything it sure is quite heavy so best to use both arms

hdd's really boost the weight of a case

I'll weigh it when it's complete though

cheers mate

These look good enough to lick. Or rub all over yourself. Think I said it before but the attention to detail you give to this stuff is just epic


LOL cheers joxang.
Now this is some project.
The case is looking great and i can't wait to see it finished with the 580 and stuff in. Mind making me one

Thanks Greavesy yeah I'm not cutting any corners on this one

& really I'm kinda making it harder for myself to do one as good or better for my next lol

but I have a good idea of what tools to get so I can do things a little easier or better, I also want to master engraving & think I'll get onto practicing for that after this project, [WP@]WOLVERINE on bit-tech really shown how awesome diy engraving can be done if your skills get high enough after seeing his
latest engraving project check it out, it is very amazing

But not this...
Getting the lighting done right on those stick bars in the fan holders is proving a bit of a challenge

, the apolish fans give off awesome light but don't touch the stick bars so I had to come up with a way to light those parts well enough to have a similar effect to holding it up to broad daylight.
I tried an LED placed directly underneath the sticks & only lights up the orange bar & a tiny bit of the dual tint pieces but lights up excellent on the top end, I also tried sanding the edges of the LED's flat which didn't help neither, I also tried countersinking the LED hole so it would make the light brighter & wider but didn't make a difference, so had ideas of frosting just the stick bars internally or using light tape or el tape stuck to the frame of the fans to give a consistant glow but light tape is fragile & expensive, I even tried a laminating sheet which looks frosted when it hasnt been used this helped a bit but still not what I was aiming for, so my latest idea is to make a block of opal frosted acrylic & bung an LED inside it & have it replace a 5mm portion of the stick bars hoping it will create an awesome spread of light to act like it does when held up to daylight but even with that I think I'd be best to frost the insides of the stick bars so it works excellent I made the acrylic too clear by polishing it

, this light block idea won't be seen because of the clamp bars so should work nicely.
At the moment I'm waiting for deliveries for molex pins & the opal frosted acrylic so could be Tuesday or later before I get to try it out.