Cant wait to see this haha
Real great job mate! Honestly, you are the ModMaster haha

This update

, still more to come though, this bunch of photos really don't do it any justice but that's because I'm totally knackered

I'll get a proper photo session in ASAP

cheers mate.
I seem to have missed two pages of updates in which you seem to have been going on an incredible modding orgy
It is now looking amazing and I can't wait to see the fans lit with UV and all the metal "twiddles" in place. It was amazing when you started, but now you have taken it to another level entirely.
Where can I vote for mod of the year? Actually scratch that, where can I vote for mod of the century?
incredible modding orgy lol

, guess it's because I could finally see the finish line on this & me wanting to get lost in gaming for a bit hehe

thanks John.
Looks amazing,Great job so far
Thanks Tokin

Righty oh then

All done except for the RGB lighting which will have to wait, (knackered the power cable for it) but I can finally relax knowing that's the final bit, everything molex or fan related cables is nicely stashed underneath the hdd's

so with the mass of wires going through the small mouse holes I had to make them bigger because of the switches for the lights on the fans so this pile of shots in bad lighting will be the last picture update until I get the RGB lighting sorted & then I'll put some effort into the photos at day & night, so I'm gonna get the weight back on & enjoy some good games until I can resume this, been feeling starved of some good gaming

32 photos so might have to do 2 posts in at least 2 forums I post at.
Like this under both hdd cages

In use finally

I love the unique light the fan holders project

So, a little wait for the new RGB light power cable & then final shots, these are just to show it's now in use, mostly crappy shots I know but it's 99.9% complete now yaaaaaay I keep getting random big grins knowing it's in use now

When I walk into my room I can't even hear it & it's sat right next to my monitor so it's awesomely quiet, just the gpu that I can hear & that is with the side panels off


time I got around to completing alice madness returns at last

but I'll have to start from the begining again since I'm on a new os install on the super duper corsair force 3 120GB or the Yin Yang 120GB as I'll call it, here is a quick bench I did on the reads, veeeerrrrrry niiiiiiiice

Oh yeah the temps are better than air cube to my amazement, was expecting warmer temps but it out does the air cube by a few celcius which had much more air flow but this I really thought about the flow on how to make it work best & I'd call this my first perfect design

Forgot to weigh this beast so I'll weigh it when it's done
