WOW!!! Those cable holders are freakin amazing!!! Pure gold....I mean copper!!! non-ferrous metal!
Hehe cheers VOoDOo

I might be revising them so they go straight up to cover the sata cables completely & sleeve the lower ends & make sure there isn't any slack.
Ah okay

I didn't notice the power button at first, but now I see it

Again, looks great!

It is a small switch.
Wow really nice work. The cover for the cables is so meticulous mind you looking through the log I would expect no less.
Also the light coming off the fan surrounds as you say is so unique and 1 of a kind.
Can not wait for final pictures of this.
Thanks alex2k10, had to order from an iffy shop (iffy for their business practices against other shops) for white led strips but hopefully I should get them asap so I can see if white is better for the fan holders or not, heard a fair bit of bad about the place but was the only place selling the white ones & not warm white.
Wish i could build anything like this
Great build the detail you go in to is outstanding tbh nice one
Maybe you could in time mate, best to absorb as much info as possible on case logs, me I just took apart my lian-li case & checked it out thoroughly to see how it all forms & fixes together & made a quite rubbish first case lol, then a 2nd, then a 3rd which was nicer but still plenty of room for improvement & now this beauty, so I think I've improved an incredible amount since my first

now I can get an idea, design it & figure out a way on how to build it, no way would I have seen myself doing something like this 3 years ago lol

Thanks MCMLX

The more the side panels were off & it being right next to me the more I started disliking the lighting lol I think all the fan holders need are little covers for the tops to cut off the excess light but only in the slot for the fan where the bare led strips are, anyway I put the side panels on to get a better feel for it all & glad I did

I actually thought the temps might be even better with the panels on because of the design but noted temps are about the same, not better not worse unless you consider 1 or 2c warmer as worse

, I also had the iffy RGB strip working but I really couldn't figure out what I was doing right when I had it working so was completely hit & miss but should have no probs when the new cable comes, I took it to the scroll saw instead of grinding it slimmer on the disc sander (lesson learnt on that now

) think I'll keep it set on orange light as it's closest to the copper & it also creates a very cool effect on the fan spinner pieces I made but I'll have the option to pick quite a nice bunch of colours or even have it slowly fade into all the different colours which is quite nice

or switch them off if they get irritating, the apollish fans I enabled the rear 2 the front one is too bright & makes the front look wrong so this makes it look nice with just that one switched off.
I've also ordered white led strips to see if I prefer them in the fan holders, the uv is quite overwhelming to be honest & not really a part of the colours I had in mind but felt I should experiment so might end up with all white or uv or a mix of both, would have been nice to use RGB strips in them but the control box would be very difficult to hide to keep cables neat but I'm going to take apart the faulty one I have to see if I could make a slightly smaller box for it so it can fit under the hdd cages, if I can then maybe it will be RGB in the fan holder stick pieces

Took a few more pictures since I put the panels on, also disabled the mobo led's, got some nice shots 53 taken 21 shown.
Glad I did this photoshoot as it's reminded me I need to place the windows better so they reflect everything correctly

Let me know if I'm over doing it with the photos, just it looked good when I put the panels on & couldn't resist

I think I should make a big sturdy lazy susan with alu/copper marquetry for easy maintenance & better photos

after making that optical tray & the yin yang 120 I know I can do metal marquetry with the scroll saw wooooo

with 2mm upwards I can do it nicely, 1mm it's surprisingly more tricky probably because it cuts faster & easier. I like to do a side project after a big one to ease myself back to normal so I slow down the modding withdrawels by not having a sudden stop lol.