Project Whurple - White/Purple Watercooled Build - Changes to 3d printer build!!

Right so you have all been eagerly awaiting some 3d print stuff etc but sadly other things have been on the cards over the last few days which has mainly been focused on getting the office in more of a position where it can house myself and the wife more comfortably. So I dismantled and took out the sofa ready for the tip, set up the desk with her machine, put all of her work software on it and copied over all her profiles etc. Set up an area for her on the NAS, configured her machine for some volume shadow copies etc so I think we are fully set to go now. Still some painting to do, lights to put up and a radiator cover to make as well as a few other small bits and then the former minging pink granny anex is done. Got a plan for a cool table made out of this old cool crate box thing the wifes grandad gave me before he sadly passed away so also going to make a coffee table from that, it is a bit fragile though and needs a little work so perhaps that something for another day.

that looks great mate :):):):)

Hers is almost a mini sort of version of mine but with her own little twist. We do have the same mouse and webcam and thats about it. I think she is going to pick some art and we will put her some shelves up but I think so far it's looking decent. Our own little office at home :)
Hers is almost a mini sort of version of mine but with her own little twist. We do have the same mouse and webcam and thats about it. I think she is going to pick some art and we will put her some shelves up but I think so far it's looking decent. Our own little office at home :)
it looks really great mate
nothing like my pc room lmao
mine looks like an extremely untidy pc repair shop lol
too embarrassing to even photo :rolleyes:
Well Whurple didn't last long and it's fate in the end was down to that gpu riser cable. Burned through the cable and it's taken the cpu and also the board with it. I have a new board which turned up today and also a new cpu which will get here tomorrow. the 2700x is no more so we are now going 3600. With the new board comes better options for stuff so I am also going to have to rework all of the cooling.

So far what I know for sure is these parts are done:

ASRock B450m hdv
Ryzen 2700x
Riser Cable

The gpu is absolutely fine as I tested it in my machine and as far as I can tell the psu is also fine as I have powered up another machine from it no issue, the memory who knows Im not risking sticking it in my machine so we wait until sunday to find out. So new parts:

B450 Aorus M
Ryzen 3600

On the way

10 right angle white fittings
4 lengths of tubing.

While I am waiting she is going on air!
Ah hell really sorry to hear that mate
Too long a thread to look back through to
Was it a cheap chinese riser cable?
On a side note literally just fitted those
Fans 10 minutes ago
They are actually impressive for what they cost, didn't expect to be able to stop
The fans spinning with the remote control
And lost count of the light patterns they can do
And even though it looks like a infrared remote it actually doesn't need to be in
Line of sight to work
If you are getting another riser cable I can recommend the phanteks one no problems at all with mine
It sucks but it will be better for it :) ryzen 3600 just turned up and that aorus board is quite nice, certainly a lot better than the cheapest b450 you can buy in the asrock hdv. I also have an msi board turning up so might just send that back or put it on the members market.

Was it a cheap chinese riser cable?
On a side note literally just fitted those
Fans 10 minutes ago
They are actually impressive for what they cost, didn't expect to be able to stop
The fans spinning with the remote control
And lost count of the light patterns they can do
And even though it looks like a infrared remote it actually doesn't need to be in
Line of sight to work
If you are getting another riser cable I can recommend the phanteks one no problems at all with mine

Yep cheap chinese riser, but id also bent it over quite a bit to fit which probably helped kill it to be fair. I've already got a replacement in a Kolink one from overclockers so am ready to build it back up again tomorrow. Going out with the wife for the day/evening so won't get the time until then. I've decided I want a bit of a different look in the cooling as well so it's all going to change :D
Ah, potentially you shorted the connectors in that case?

It's possible and its been apart a lot due to issues with mayhems pastel cooling splitting and depositing itself all over the system. Mayhems hooked me up with blitz kit etc but it's been pulled apart at least 5 or 6 times. With the new board I might have some clearance at the top of the case so there might be better radiator options, I also don't want bent tubing at all so have bought the fittings so that I can just do straight runs.

Not yet sure what I am going to do with the gpu or where it is to be mounted but it is absolutley fine in terms of functioning.
Yeah, we live and learn. Good luck, I hope it works out well for you.

Had a chat with a friend of mine at AMD who suggested I just RMA the cpu. So that is exactly what I have tried to do, will let you know how I get on. Even if it doesn't work out I am ok with that. Going to have a go at a rebuild today :)
Not changing the Aesthetics /colour scheme?
Just going to be whurple V2?

Nope she is staying purple! She is booting up nicely right now. Just cleaned up some of the inside, removed all the cooling and set her up on the stock AMD fan. We are changing the res, pipework and fittings I think! The new board is significantly better than the old one though.

Hopefully AMD will send me another 2700x or something and I can then do something with that. Might also RMA the asrock board if they will let me.
Nope she is staying purple! She is booting up nicely right now. Just cleaned up some of the inside, removed all the cooling and set her up on the stock AMD fan. We are changing the res, pipework and fittings I think!
Pita it happened
But whurple V2 will be even better than V1 was :):)

Pita it happened
But whurple V2 will be even better than V1 was :):)

Oh for sure! I am not even angry. These things happen and it's just about learning where you can go cheap and where you can't. Gpu riser is probably one of those areas where you shouldn't :D
Oh for sure! I am not even angry. These things happen and it's just about learning where you can go cheap and where you can't. Gpu riser is probably one of those areas where you shouldn't :D
Yeah what's done is done
No point worrying over it, as you say you
Learn from it and move forward with
The new improved version
I love this thread and your optimism.

Yeah what's done is done
No point worrying over it, as you say you
Learn from it and move forward with
The new improved version

Just knocking it back together, going to change the cord on her model O mouse (yes i got her a purple one), then give it a quick clean and ill post up how she looks now :)

Also guess what... The rad now clears the ram at the top of the case :D :D The entire system will now get a rework!! :D

This also clears space for another 2 fans at the front of the case.
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