Project : Zotac ITX Rebox

Little mini update . I've got my first set of parts back from the laser cutters . I'm very pleased with them :D Unfortunately I'm not going to have time to much with them for a bit but it's one step closer ;)

Front and back .


Base .


Cover .

These look incredible, such sleek colours as well, not often found in run-of-the-mill PC cases. I really want to see more now!
Well I've been working away on this project but haven't been posting updates because really it's been more of the same only with the laser cut blanks .... cut one , make it up , make a slight change , cut one .......

But after all that the prototype is done and the hardware fits :)


AND and started I on the first batch :D

Switch cables half done . I don't mind admitting this was really really tedious :p


Bases ....


My transformer was struggling with the extended use ... so a bit of a ghetto mod :)


Almost there ....


Left to do ....

Drill and tap the screw holes that hold the cover on , solder the switch leads to the switches and fit all the hardware ..... put them in boxes
amazing work,there seem's to be a lot more custom build's coming to ocuk lately.

cant wait for the finish article :)

It will take two 2.5" drives mounted under the mobo with screws through the base . There is also room to velcro one to the vertical part of the base ... so three :)
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