I see a lot of myself in you, though I am not at a similar sort of weight range.
I have a tendency to over think things and try to be too scientific in my approach, reading various studies on which macro ratios are good/bad, how weight lifting could possibly be better than cardio, HIIT vs LISS when really for the initial part anyway you just really need to focus on getting into a calorie deficit that is sustainable, workable and progressive.
There is no use knowing millions about this kind of stuff if you are not applying it properly and for long periods, and frankly at your size, for the initial period at least you should be focusing on moving more and eating less (And Cleaner - helps with the eating less part)
Please keep us updated, it will do wonders for motivation - and believe me, people around here care about you making progress!
also - I know the site isn't loved for various reasons, but I at times find various subreddits on reddit to be motivating when I don't want to get off my ass for a run